A Ridiculously Simple Technique That Can Free You of Limitations

Last Update: July 18, 2011

"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."

- Eric Robins, MD -

Not all of my buddies at WA are students of the Law of Attraction, though, I'm pretty sure by now,  you all know what it is.

This blog is not directly about the Law of Attraction, but it feeds into it.

I'm about to share with you a technique that will help you to release long held negative beliefs, those beliefs that have been holding you (and me) back and screwing up your progress. We all have those programmed beliefs and they've gotta go now!

The technique is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and it is related to acupuncture and acupressure. Acupuncture originated in ancient China and has been used for thousands of years to promote health and alleviate pain by addressing the body's energy points or meridians. The exercise counterpart of acupuncture is Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

EFT will help you to free your unconscious mind of those little goblins of information that were taught to you when you were about 5 or 6, and play like a tape in your head, even though you are no longer 5 or 6. These beliefs block you from your ability to reach your full potential. It's like a little voice that says "no you can't", "I'm afraid of success", "I'm afraid of failure", "you don't deserve it", "you haven't suffered enough", "I'll never be rich", "I'll have just enough", etc, etc.

We are not always aware of these tapes. The idea of EFT is to dissolve this debilitating programming so we can accept abundance in all its forms.

How can we be successful at IM, if a tape is playing in the recesses of our minds, suggesting that we can't do it? That tape will undo all your hard work. See what I mean?

It's like cleaning the refrigerator before stocking it with goodies. Get rid of that old nonsense!

What is the therapy? It's called "tapping". You lightly tap acupuncture points while thinking about various things you are trying to heal. Allow money. Allow health. Allow good relationships. Appreciate yourself. Release yourself from limitation.

I've just started tapping, and it's helped. No I'm not gullible. Well, sometimes I am. Not my imagination.

I'm a skeptic.

Go into YouTube and learn about EFT from David Childerley and Brad Yates. Check out this interview with Brad Yates.


Tap away your limitations guys, and welcome prosperity! I do hope this info helps all of you.

Go into www.eftuniverse.com

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Mary. Don't spend any money. Go into YouTube and watch the vids of Brad Yates and David Childerley. They guide you through the tapping. You can read about EFT for free. It's very powerful. David Yates and Joe Vitale often collaborate. Yates is a good guy. Have fun on vacation. That is his website, btw. Read the free stuff.
Sherion Premium
hey there,
I went and listened to that whole "whatever you want to call it". Then I went to his Website and I think it cost like 49.00 for his program. But, when he said that check out his site at bradyates.net then when I went all the way through to the cart then at checkout there was a different name for affiliate. I don't mind that but I wonder why he said that was his site. Anyways, sounds good but I am getting ready to go to vaca and saving my pennies for that. But, I may think about buying into this later in the year. I have other similiar ones. Thanks for the post Joan. Best Wishes to You. Sherion
Sherion Premium
hey there,
I went and listened to that whole "whatever you want to call it". Then I went to his Website and I think it cost like 49.00 for his program. But, when he said that check out his site at bradyates.net then when I went all the way through to the cart then at checkout there was a different name for affiliate. I don't mind that but I wonder why he said that was his site. Anyways, sounds good but I am getting ready to go to vaca and saving my pennies for that. But, I may think about buying into this later in the year. I have other similiar ones. Thanks for the post Joan. Best Wishes to You. Sherion