Are You Sleeping?

Last Update: October 16, 2011

What is your circadian rhythm?

Well, I know we all have unique sleeping patterns, sometimes it's weird too,  and no doubt it's dependent on work schedules, and routine.

But is your routine the healthiest one for your mind and body?

Sometimes it's hard to fit everything in, especially when you have a life other than IM. I know. Even so, you have to protect your health.

Scientists say uninterrupted sleep between 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM is the most important sleep, and that you should sleep 7, 8 hours a night for optimum health.

We all have a unique biological pattern, known as our circadian rhythms.

Thought you might enjoy reading about it. Health first. Friends and family second, IM third.




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ThomasPaul Premium
My schedule gets all messed up. I might current job I tend to change between a day and night schedule quite a bit. Fortunately, I have at least a month on it before it changes. I'd be really hurting if it changed every two weeks.
jatdebeaune Premium
Not easy to do. How's it working for you?
jatdebeaune Premium
It is huge Ian. Sleep is as important as eating and exercise, yet many of us, myself included are out of balance. Have to consciously keep it all going.
idm Premium
Cool blog, sleep is definitely a priority along with a good diet and exercise. I think I'll be putting up a blog about that next, since it's a huge part of the foundation for getting anything done. Take care.