Big Turnoff!

Last Update: July 19, 2010

One of the features that turns me off, more than anything else, when I visit a website, is not being provided a telephone contact number.

I don't want to write email. I want to talk to a human and have my questions answered by a person on the telephone. No human to answer my questions? OK.  I won't place my order. If the person is not available, then they have to call me back.

Even phone communication is a stretch for me, but it'll do in that we are living in an automated age. I like working with "human" contact. Human bank tellers too. Human everything. It gives me confidence! And it feels good.

"Impersonal" is getting big time on my nerves. If you want to lose me before I even become a customer, don't provide a phone contact.

Frustrated. If I'm frustrated, then others are frustrated. Our world has become too remote. Make your business more personal, and you will reap the benefits over the cold competition that says "email customer service", and doesn't provide a phone alternative.

Hey, wait a minute...does WA provide a phone number?


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Wootton Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
No, Maureen, I mean provide an 800 number on your own website, assuming you have one, even if you have an affiliate website, a site that sells affiliate products. Have your own 800 number, or any telephone number. They'll call your number if they need to talk to you. I used to stock and sell handbags from my own handbag site. People who did call me ended up being good return customers. It was like I was a neighborhood store and they enjoyed working with the owner. Not too many call me on the affiliate site, hardly ever, but it is psychologically a good thing that they know they can. When they go into an affiliate resource from my site, there are cookies that identify the customer as mine, which lasts from 30 to 90 days, depending on the resource. No, I am not suggesting anyone send customers to the affiliate's 800 number. That would be silly.
Moonstone Premium
YES!!!! I agree completley. I just had a row with BT over that lol.
That is some serious food for thought, especially considering one of the things that is attractive about affiliate marketing is that you don't have to deal with many of the aspects of selling a product, including customer service. You drive traffic to the merchant website and they take it from there. But I do see your point. I suppose that should be a consideration I make in choosing which products to promote--do they have exceptional and personal customer service?
maureenhannan Premium
As a consumer, I share your frustration when no 800 number is given. However, as an affiliate marketer, I'm beginning to shy away from merchants that do provide 800 numbers. Why? Because I want that sale to go through my link--not directly through the customer service agent. Obviously, I'm thinking of myself here and not of the best possible customer experience--but hey, if I'm going to go to all of that effort to get someone to click through to the site, I don't want to lose the commission to an 800 number! Just my 2 cents' worth :-)