Do I Have a Natural Order? So, What Is It?

Last Update: May 06, 2011

Yes I do, and you do too. Surprised? I didn't think so.

Richard Carlson calls it "stacking order". It has to do with how many projects you are comfortable working on at one time. Some people must focus on one project at a time. If they're given too much to handle at once, they fall apart. They look incompetent when they really are not. They have too many things on their plate at once, and they are not temperamentally suited to doing that. So they collapse.

When you are holding down a job, employers often expect you to multitask. If you are expected to handle many projects at once, some people thrive on it, and others get derailed and look like dodos. This so called "dodo" can be a genius, but extreme multi-tasking goes against their grain. So the person is stopped in his track.  He may be the kind of person who works intensely on one project at a time, completes it, then moves on to the next.

It's nothing more than the way our brains work.

When we work independently, we can accommodate our own natures. Employers are less forgiving.

I think we need to address our unique stacking order as IM'ers. Part of the "overwhelm" that newbies experience is being dunked into multi-tasks such as KW research, niches, website construction, linking, multiple websites, articles, directories, PPC, social networking, blogging, and more. A lot isn't it? OVERWHELMING!

The nature of the business requires the ability to juggle many tasks, but you don't have to do everything at once.

It is my nature to fully immerse myself in one project at a time. A bit anal to say the least. Sorry for that phrase, but it is so descriptive. If I have too many things to do at once, I get temperamental and freak out. Sometimes I end up not getting anything done, or even worse, a little bit of everything done.

So I have taught myself to multi-task in a way that suits my own nature. If you are having the same issue, this may work for you too.

Divide the day, the week, the month. If you write an article or two a day, then, assign a time to do that and just that. Don't think about anything else during that time. If it works better for you, then assign 2 days a week for writing articles. Then assign another space of time to read tutorials and posts and study IM. Assign another block of time for keyword research, then websites and so on. This way, you trick your mind into thinking you are working on one project at a time and you are able to focus.

Focus is the thing. You can do this because you work alone, and don't have an assortment of people asking questions and for your help constantly, as in a job environment. Do this, and you will be able to handle 3 or 4 projects at once. Maybe more.

I'm being faced with this challenge right now. Excited, but couldn't sleep last night just thinking about it.

Oh, the other thing to do is to relax. Worrying doesn't solve anything. You've come through in the past, and you'll come through now.

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Zeron44 Premium
Great Blog post , ya trying batching things together is what I've been trying to do , its a technique thats from a book called the 4-hour work week which is a perfect book for any IMer.

Ya another great tip for scheduling out your space of time is to create a new Gmail account specifically for your Internet marketing schedule, you can use the Calander feature and section off certain parts of the day to work on specific items.

Dont just put 10am to 12 noon : Article Writing. This allows you to waste those 2 hours getting started writing articles.

While if you put 10am - 2pm: Article 1 : 3 ways and Android tablet can you save you time and money

Article 2 : 4 reasons robotic vacuum cleaning made.....

Article 3 : Reasons you should consider ..

By having the articles outlined ready to go. You can quickly jump in a get started instead of wondering what to write about or getting writers block.

When starting a website for a keyword I try to put a number on how many articles I want for it , Backlinks for it , link wheels etc. before I even start. based on the SERP competition.

This helps me gauge how well my formula is working and helps you stay on task.
Pete S Premium
Thank you again for more well stated insights. Have some gold for the pot at the end of the IM Rainbow.
flapjackgirl Premium
Boy did you hit my nail on the head! Thank you very much for posting this and sharing the fact that our learning curve doesn't just go around in circles. We just have a different process for being the amazing people we are!
This deserves gold and you got it from me!!!!