Do It Your Way or Why I'm a Big Fan of Lady Gaga

Last Update: July 30, 2011

Took a day off last week. Needed to get away from everything, especially IM.  As much as I love it, it was crowding me out. Needed an emotional and intellectual rain shower.

It was a blessed day! Have you ever had one of those? It was a theme day, a synchronistic day with angels playing soft music in my head. When you hear about it, you're going to say, "You did all that?" I sure did. Or maybe you'll say, "Yeah, so what."

Well, it doesn't matter. We all need a day like this once in a while. Even you.

Here's how it progressed. My best friend, who is also my sister took the day off too. We made a simple breakfast,  just coffee, strawberries and cream, then headed off in the car to see some beauty. First stop: the beach to play with the gulls. I love seagulls.

Ended up driving around  this gorgeous lake, that seemed to go on for miles of clear roads banked by nothing but woods. The negative ions were making us feel giddy. How we ended up in that scenic place,  I have no idea. It wasn't a destination, but it was just what the doctor ordered. We found a great place to have lunch, then went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in 3-D at Imax. What fun!

We were definitely on a roll,  testing our luck,  we figured we'd check out what movies were on Cable. Hardly ever find anything to see on TV. Saw 2 movies back to back. One was "The Answer Man" with Jeff Daniels and the other was a scathing commentary on the art world,  about some chic downtown New York gallery. Movie was called "Untitled". Both movies were so good. There was a scene in the Jeff Daniels movie where Daniels chews out the little boy's teacher for suggesting that the child had problems because he didn't conform to what she considered the norm. It was a beautiful scene, full of understanding and  truth that should be acknowledged by parents and educators alike.  We have to stop training individuality out of people. No, no... I don't want to see sociopaths ruling the world either.  Just preserve and encourage people's uniqueness, that's all.  I think that's our birth right and the gift we give each other.

On the heels of that movie was "Untitled"... Pie in the face truth. So there MOMA, take that! WHAM!

Then, comes dinner (shrimp cocktail, triple horse radish)  in front of "So You Think You Can Dance" and Lady Gaga as a judge. I wouldn't miss Lady Gaga in anything. Out she walks, with mint colored hair hanging down one side of her face, and on the other side, hair tucked under a ridiculous red hat, an orange red outfit and extraterrestrial high heel wedges which she wears because she is short. She wasn't a judge. She was an astute mentor. The other judges were trying to help the dancers perfect their skills. But Gaga saw it as interfering with the specialness that was them. I agree that quirks are often good.

Where am I going with all this, when I'm supposed to be blogging about marketing?

I am blogging about marketing, silly buddies. And anyways, it's Saturday. You can be over-trained. You can over-think. You can even over-work. Kyle will be the first one to tell you that. I know, because he did already. Don't listen to me. Listen to Kyle.

Be "YOU" with everything that's different about you and get to work! That's what I'm doing today.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Haha Craig, classy and Gaga are not a fit. If she presented herself as a classical musician she'd get nowhere. People like the spectacle. She's very talented and so funny. Thank you, you bet...we had a great day.
Labman_1 Premium
I love your perspectives Joanie. Sounds like you two had a wonderful day. I'm not overly impressed with what Lady GaGa has become but her marketing department sure is getting it done for her. As a classically train musician I would love to see her do something more classy but the money is better with her current presentation.