"Do Not Fear Mistakes-There Are None"

Last Update: May 27, 2010

That's a quote from Miles Davis.

I'm sharing a nice tip with you today. Hope you take advantage of it. It'll really help you to become your most creative self.

I listen to what causes pain to many of my fellow members here. So much of what you write about represents stumbling blocks that I have experienced in the past and/or currently. I know all about procrastination, unfortunately. To be fair, sometimes procrastination is part of the creative process in which you need to free your brain of conscious mind chatter in order to dig deep into the rich material hiding in the subconscious. So you program yourself by taking on tasks that seem irrelevant on the surface,  though they work for you like a meditation, a mantra, in order to rearrange your brain cells. Most of the time though, when we procrastinate, it is usually fear keeping us from the task at hand. No matter what the reason, we lose a lot of valuable time.

What I have to share is not for artists only, it is for all of us creative beings, from all professions: lawyers, doctors, lab technicians, writers, painters, designers, plumbers, electricians, office workers, merchants, stock brokers, teachers, Internet marketers, musicians, rock stars, clerks, secretaries. Doesn't make any difference what your line of work is.

To be the best you can be, you want to break through your blocks. Everybody has some blocks, some more than others. You need to get rid of those "fears" that have been programed into you since childhood.

I discovered a book called "The Artist's Way" by national best selling author Julia Cameron. Don't let the title fool you. It is a life-changing program to help people overcome limiting beliefs and fears that can inhibit the creative process.

You know how many of you have a hard time choosing a niche? Many of you complain about having difficulty writing articles?  This will help.

I'm addicted to aha moments. I'm greedy. I want many more of those. Answers are within you. Inside, not outside. Be stereophonic YOU!

This book puts you through exercises. I'm just starting actually. I'm reading through the entire book, then I will start the exercises. It's easy. You just have to cooperate, like at WA. The author is a writer and teacher who has had huge success turning things around for all sorts of people: playwrights,  actors, singers, lawyers, politicians, musicians, painters, everybody.

If you decide to do this, let's compare notes.

BTW, I have nothing to gain here, but your friendship.

Interested  in hearing how it works out for you.

Cheers, guys.






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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Maureen, I look forward to comparing notes with you to see how the exercises have made a difference. I like the morning pages and date with the artist. Hey One Prosperity, Give it a go. Can be a revelation. Let me know how it goes for you. Hi there Louise, The exercises are designed to uncover the fears that are locked in your subconscious mind. Out with the garbage! Hey stonedupree...Yes, you can get the audio CD from Amazon for under $12.
stonedupree Premium
Thanks for that! Definitely some of what I am dealing with right now. I am on the road a LOT with my job. Do you know if there is an audio version?
Louise M. Premium
Nice! I like the subject of this post. I'm sure the book is great! :) I agree with what you say about the fears we have. They actually are pretty abstract fears. Many people won't even be able to explain what they are afraid of or what prevent them from doing this or that. Life has so much to offer! Better see it as a river and jump in it. Some people are afraid because they don't know that they can swim! ;)
OneProsperity Premium
What a great post, thanks. I have heard of that book so I am now going to get a copy :) I love aha moments too. Life is full of miracles and aha moments if you start looking for them!
maureenhannan Premium
I LOVE Julia Cameron! Somehow I'm not surprised to hear that you do too, Joan. I was introduced to her when my daughter's 7th-grade English teacher (also a published novelist) started having the kids do morning pages. I thought it was cool...I did read the book and walk through a lot of the exercises, though I never did get in the habit of doing morning pages the way she teaches. When I unpack my books from boxes next week, I'll look for it--and I might just reread it and compare notes, time allowing. I'm also addicted to aha moments--and feeling creative makes me high as a kite.