Do You Live to Eat or Eat to Live?

Last Update: November 30, 2011

I mean that figuratively, not literally. Not sure where I'm going with this analogy, because both things are important. There's always a practical reason for things, and an emotional reason. You eat food because you have to to stay alive. You eat food also for the sheer enjoyment.

Whoops! Introspection time again. Forgive me for this, but the communicating maniac is at it again.

Stream of consciousness hits at 5:00 AM. Told you I'm lucid in the morning.

I find myself immersed in the world of Internet Marketing and often question what I am doing here getting all teched up, writing articles and optimising? Optimists optimise? Nobody at home can understand a word I say anymore.  

Heck, I'm an artist. What do I know about marketing? What the heck do I know about tech and cyberspace either? What am I doing?  Who am I really?

Do you ever think about what is attracting you to this fascinating world of cyber communication? Is it to make money, or to help people, or are we just obsessive communicators and hams, or all of the above?

What's your motivation? What got you started?  What is holding you? When I look back on it, when I started this journey, all I wanted to do was  make a website where I could sell my wares. I knew nothing about websites or IM.

I come from a long line of brick and mortar merchants of the mom and pop variety, little specialty stores. Remember them? Before the big boxes hit. So I just figured that's the way you do things. Build it and they will come. It's almost like that, but we all know there is much more to it on and offline.

I get a big kick out of marketers who say it's easy. Easy? It's only easy when you figure things out and make them work for you. It's only easy because you've been around the block a few times, and you've traced your steps, so that there is no hesitation in your walk. No confusion, no frustration.

There's always a degree of frustration when you are reaching for something. It's called being on the edge. It's exhilarating hanging on the edge of the cliff. And guys, that's the "life" in life. Let's hope we'll always be reaching for something. Otherwise, we'd be finished.

Well, I figured it out. I'm here to grow. Here to expand. And here to share experience and to help others too, however I can.

I feel very appreciative of WA and all of you for making my life richer. Thank you guys.

Newbies, hang tight. You're in for a treat. You're receiving all the back room education necessary to launch your intentions.

Be a blabber mouth like me and share your thoughts.

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

        - E. B. White


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