Does Curiosity Kill the Cat? Sure Hope Not

Last Update: September 28, 2010

Well, I'm curious just the same. Maybe one of you knows about this new launch.

Could be Pinocchio Joan is being suckered in again, or managing to escape through newly acquired cyber street smarts.

Who is Latif? And what is Auto Mass Traffic Generation?

This guy has made some extravagant claims regarding how he has developed a new software that will explode your "targeted" traffic overnight, and it's all automated.

Now, don't get carried away. I assure you that I'm not carried away, but definitely curious. I'm not advertising anything about this software. Don't even know if it's legit, or blackhat or what. Very rare that I even open email offers anymore since I discovered the delete button.

This one caught my attention because it was different. Clever promotion? Yeah, I think so, well, in a way. He started out saying the software is FREE ( that got me to open his offer), then it turned into a contest. Only 5 people could have the software for nothing and only if they could provide a compelling reason why Latif should give it to them. Some of the reasons people provided were hilarious. Then they could triple their chances of receiving it if they were willing to Twitter. Clever marketing or downright sneaky? There comes a point where clever starts to get on your nerves, because it's insulting.

Today, Latif said to be on alert for his limited offer launch. Yup, only 500 to be sold, with no exceptions.

Now, the product might be good. It might be bogus. I'll admit, he sort've had me in the beginning. Then, when I felt manipulated, he lost credibility and me. Always looking for the upsell, so maybe a fresher approach would work better on me anyway.

Please explain this to me. If you have a great product, why do you have to manipulate people into buying it? If you can prove your product works first, then... otherwise people have to buy a pig in the poke. I understand the value of creating urgency, but some of the other stuff. Whooow!

This guy may have developed a brilliant software that will revolutionize the Internet. Wouldn't that be great? Who is dumb enough to trust such an operator? I'm sorry guys if I'm being offensive.

I know I'm talking to marketers. Like you, I am always studying the craft and trying to learn from other marketers. But hey, we're human first. There's heartache in believing somebody, then having trust whipped away in such a cheesy fashion. That's why so many new marketers become cynical. That's why much of the public is cynical about the Internet.

Nothing wrong with direct and straight.

I guess it's a matter of being true to yourself, and selling others the way you like to be sold. I'm counting on that.

Have I digressed? Yes I have. Well, to get back,  do you know anything about this guy? 

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jatdebeaune Premium
You're a smart man Craig. I've been reading reviews. He put it out for the magical $37. He has other products, this one claims targeted traffic. Have you ever heard of that before? If I had the time and inclination I would test it.
Labman_1 Premium
I got that e-mail too. I didn't recognize the sender...didn't ask for it...didn't read it. Delete. Felt good too.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Andy. He claimed it was targeted. I wasn't going to buy it anyway, but I did want to hear your thoughts.
andys43us Premium
I went to the site and the exit pop ups are just endless. Anything with so many exit pop ups can't be legit.
andys43us Premium
Joan, I don't know about this guy. But I searched Google and it turns out that he is teaching something called CPV. It's paid traffic and it's not targeted. I don't think it's worth it. Save your time and money and stay away from it. That's just my opinion though. If you want to try it, then go for it. You can always get a refund from Clickbank if it's a scam. You won't get your time back though.