Don't Stress, Keep Moving

Last Update: June 28, 2010

You're a butterfly about to emerge from a cocoon.  Don't stop now. The show is about to begin.

Remember when you started? Terrifying, wasn't it? See how far you've come? Think about  how much more you will know next year. You don't realize how much you are learning. Remember, you are creating something fantastic: your future, your family's future. You have the opportunity to inspire others. You can reach the world with a message of hope and light. Now, what is better than that? Sure you can make lots of money, but you can make it doing something you really enjoy.

Don't stress out over anything. I'm speaking to myself as well as you. Not proselytizing, just sharing. I used to be a worry wart, but I'm learning that stress and worry are a waste of time. Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. You'll arrive at your goal, your destination. That's a given. What have you ever done in your life where you have had so much support? I've had praise when I did something well, but never this kind of support from complete strangers. I am blown away!

We are all on an excellent path, one that we should guard with conviction and passion. We should be very grateful. We are fortunate to have discovered IM, to have recognized its potential, to have the courage to put ourselves on the line and the commitment to throw ourselves into the massive effort that is required.

Keep learning friends. Keep doing. I not only respect your path. I'm on your path and loving it!


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Jamie Smith Premium
Love ya sister! Between all the Henry Mancini reppin' and yet another great blog, you continue to score HUGE points with me. Not that you need 'em. lol Yes, we are very blessed to be linked up with such cool WA family such as you Joan. Always keep moving forward and giving thanks.
Louise M. Premium
Great post dear Joan! :) You give a lot of motivation and everyone has to find this inner belief and keep moving. Yes, the community here is amazing and I'm always glad to hear new members feeling warmly welcomed here. They need to read what you write. Your posts are always inspiring! Thank You.
Amazing Girl Premium
Great message I need to hear this. I am getting to nervous I need to calm down and do one thing at a time. Thank you
david james d Premium
txs for taking the time to write this blog - gr8 advice which I needed to hear today. After a rough busy month with hectic work and poor health I only today realised I have been with WA for a month and not made much progress - anyhow, I am shooting for a better upcoming month :) take care and keep up the good work
moonvine Premium
Super advice! I am not sure if I get stressed or just excited! I do enjoy writing on line and I have high hopes! It's great fun to meet folks from all around the world, too. I think we are in on the beginning of a brand new wave of the future. Yeah!