
Last Update: December 07, 2010

Experimenting with a series of 300 page articles per RX from Sylviane.

 Sylviane suggested in a forum comment that shorter articles: 300-400 words convert better than longer articles. Since I am after conversions as well as backlinks, I am following Sylviane's advice. Looks like people have been reading my 750-1000 page articles, but even I know that is excessive for this purpose. I think the habit of writing long articles is just that, a habit. If more can be accomplished with less, then I'm all for it.  I'll let you know if I see a big difference in conversions and click rate.

PS: Do you guys know what the click rate is based on? If not, it is based on the number of times people click the links in your resource box. So, they may like your article and read it, so that number is high, but you also want them to click your links and get to your sales page.  Both things have to happen. Put your keyword in your link as anchor text. Then see if your click rate goes up. Zane suggested using your URL as the second link. This will be part of my experiment too. If you have anything else to add to this, just comment.

Thanks Sylviane. And thanks Zane.

Here goes!

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NEA03 Premium
Even 300 is too much for me, I do 250-260 lol Unless it's a directory that requires more than 250. Don't forget to let us know if your CTR improves.
Jamie Smith Premium
Less is more, cheers Joan for always moving forward.