Fellow members from the US, do you know about this?

Last Update: November 07, 2011
A friend sent this to me today. It's the first I've heard of it. 
Thought I'd pass on the info so you don't get scared when they do their test. 
I would be alarmed if I didn't know about it for sure.

This is true..not a hoax.do not be alarmed at 2 PM EST on November 9th -
this is only a test

Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test - Nov. 9

On November 9, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) will conduct the first national test of the Nationwide
Emergency Alert System.
This test will kick off at 1:00 p.m. (CST). The test will be nationwide,
running concurrently across all time zones.

This system test is the first of its kind. It is designed to broadcast a
nationwide message to the American public. Nothing like it has been
conducted in the history of the country. There have been tests in the
past, but none to all parts of the nation at the same time. The test
will run concurrently on all radio and TV band and the message will run
for three minutes. Most messages in the past were anywhere from 30
seconds to 1 minute.

There is great concern among local police and emergency management
circles about undue public anxiety over this test. The test message on
TV might not indicate that it is just a test. Fear is that the lack of
an explanation message might create panic. Please share this
information with your family and friends so they are aware of the test.

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dataplextech Premium
Is this like the old "This has been a test of the emergency broadcast system. Had this been a...."? Or this going to be like Orson Wells and War of the Worlds? LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
More fun if it's like Orson Wells.
It would be like that broadcast if they follow suit and not keep people aware throughout the entire duration that it is merely a test.
Labman_1 Premium
I'm betting it will be a non-event for most people.
I'd only be concerned if they actually took down the internet at the same time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Who is home at 2:00 PM except for IMers? Maybe people with radios turned on in their cars will hear it.
DABK Premium
Is it mwuah, ha, ha?
DABK Premium
I'd heard about it, meant to be on the look out, alert. I missed it entirely. If I were a native speaker of English, I'd have hear the sounds of me crying. But I don't know how to render them in English and boo hoo just doesn't cut it for me.
jatdebeaune Premium
You haven't missed it. It happens tomorrow, 2:00 my time zone. Are you one hour behind? Don't worry Dusan. You can listen to it and scream in any language.
Robg1 Premium
Maybe its meant to create a panic.
jatdebeaune Premium
Maybe. And on the other hand, maybe no one will notice.