Follow Your Bliss

Last Update: November 06, 2010

I imagine that is precisely what we are all doing pursuing our Internet marketing dreams/goals. Mastering IM is just part of my dream. It's  important to me in that it supports and adds steam to the arts. I see the Internet as a great big juicy paint brush, capable of making a masterpiece, or a whole bunch of masterpieces. So exciting! That's why I feel bad when spammers junk it up, like littering a beautiful landscape.

We all have dreams of financial abundance and FREEDOM to live life as it is meant to be lived: on our own terms. That's the promise of succeeding at IM, and it's a great promise that is well worth the effort expended to get there. We came into this world self determining. As long as we respect other people's rights then that's the way it should be. We need to be free to follow our dreams. I suppose it's possible that some people prefer to have another person calling the shots for them. That's OK too. I'm very aware of the argument that not all people are meant to be entrepreneurs either. They don't have to be. People naturally want to be what they are best equipped to be, even when they have multiple talents. Having a "choice" is what I mean.

It's so important to hold the image of what gives us joy, firmly in our minds. Make it occupy every waking moment. See success, see real happiness and fulfillment, no matter what amount of struggle seems to be running interference. Can't let thoughts of "losing" at this game take up more than a few seconds of our time. We're learning much more than Internet Marketing. We're learning how to "manifest". That's big!

If a family member or friend can discourage us or bring us down, then that's an indication that we have to give more muscle to our beliefs. If outsiders cause us to give up, or lose confidence, then, we have to get back in touch with who we are, what we want to accomplish with our lives, and belief in our own abilities. I really don't understand people who throw a wrench into other people's dreams. It's selfish and arrogant. I think people mostly do it out of fear. It surprises me that a person feels they know what is best for another. Absolutely doesn't matter. We are the captains of our own ships. You just have to brush yourself off and continue. If you have to do something for cash flow meanwhile, no problem.

I suppose you want to know why I'm on this kick. I had dinner with a lovable, goofy friend last night who thinks I am foolish to spend time learning how to market online when I should be spending that time painting. Part of me thinks he's right. The other part wants to master the art of IM. I suppose he meant well, I felt insulted and irate, no enraged. So today, I headed for Long Island Sound where I often go to make peace with the world. I went to meditate and got mesmerized by the rippling effect of the waves coming in to shore, the way the light hit the water, and the bright glowing horizon line, and how the clouds dominated the entire scene today. Came away from that meditation totally refreshed and back on purpose.

My weekend message to my buddies is, if you feel alone or discouraged, or misunderstood, or ready to give up, then stop what you're doing. Go some place where you can commune with nature, and let nature heal you. Animals have the same magic.

Have a great weekend.


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Fallulah Premium
Trying to force others to see through our eyes is insulting and disrespectful and I've felt the same rage myself Joan. If somebody's feeling peaceful inside (ie following their bliss) it's a powerful exercise to focus on respecting that and enjoying the knowledge that they have the courage to do it. I was at a funeral Friday. It put some things in perspective. The biggest gift we can give another is the encouragement and blessing for them to follow their bliss, and I think one of the ways to do that is to graciously hold fast to our own ... You're right, the magic of nature and animals bring us home to ourselves :)
jatdebeaune Premium
@Louise M: Hey Louise, we agree. You just have to respect others' choices. My friend felt he needed to put me back on course. He's not wrong and he was trying to be a friend. When people are motivated to do something, there is a reason, and it should be left alone.
@Labman: Craig, all the scams on the net have led people to believe everything is a scam. Tell them you're in school. No different than going to the local university and learning chemistry. Do they expect a freshman in college to be a chemist?
@ mr.billee: the creatures are angels. My dog sets me straight every time.
mr.billee Premium
all of GODS creatures great and small-bill
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for that Joan. I'm having a bit of trouble in the same vein. My family thinks I'm involved in a scam and I can't get any support. I wish it were different but I'm trying to get buy in from them(her). It would be nice to show a bit of income from this to offset the lack of income and allay some fear. So, I buckle down and try to get one more thing accomplished on my road to success.
Louise M. Premium
I love this message Joan. People like to see other people in labeled boxes because it "makes sense" and somehow reassure them to be able to define other people clearly. But we are more than just "an artistic mind" or "an entrepreuneur type of person". We are many things in one and we should embrace this in ourselves and in others and the best way to do that, you're right, is to somehow "align" ourselves with the ever-changing yet lasting things around us such as nature. It helps me a lot. Yes, we are legitimate in all our endeavours, no matter how diverse and different they are. I have an artistic background and some people made the same remarks as your friend did, like "it's nonsense" or "it's not you". But I know it's what I want to experience, that's all that matters. Thank you Joan. Always a pleasure to read you. :)