Happy Mother's Day! Bye, Bye Birdies!

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Hah! Is it something I said? I certainly hope so.

Two days now, and no swallows. Quiet as a tomb, except for the sparrows who tuck themselves into any crevice they can find in our field stone structure, and are making families,  the usual Springtime ritual around here amongst the creatures. You approach my house and you hear peep! peep! peep! I wake up to peep! peep! My property used to be, and is a bird sanctuary. So there you have it. I think it's very nice, lovely, except  for when they start chasing me. So I chased them instead. Mother Nature didn't really care, 'cause I'm a creature too.

There is some poignant symbolism in this saga of me vs swallows, aka Mother Nature.

Swallows are very determined little birds, with over the top survival instincts. I read on Google how sensitive they are to noise, which is the reason, noise became my weapon of choice. It was non stop folks, for 4 solid days. They come, I chase. I was afraid to leave the house for fear they would fill up that nest  to the brim in my absence, then I'd really be stuck. Had a big concern that I was losing the battle.

Well, no way!  Even when I thought it was a losing battle, I didn't relent. All I was seeing was my goal: PEACE! And it happened.

Even when you think IM is too hard, family and friends are discouraging you, you feel futility, get bold, get clever, get inventive, be persistent, don't look around. And WIN!  


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reefswimmer Premium
where I live in Hawaii, we have all kinds of birds who nest in all kinds of places. I have become friends with several tiny Hawaiian redpheaded cardinals who fly in and out of the house hoping for (and usually finding) a crumb or two. But the noisiest are the francolins. An unassuming-looking little tan/brown quail, they BLAST their shrill cries, often in one of those incredibly cheery birdie type choruses. To look at them, you would never guess they could make such a racket. Indeed, to make each shriek, they swell up their chest, open the beak WIDE and push out the air so forcefully they they sometimes have to hop backwards to avoid falling over. Quite a spectacle.
In fact, it is definitely time now for me to sleep, because at dawn (precisely at dawn) they begin again. Good thing I find them awesome !
Diane, reefswimmer
cld111 Premium
I'm glad to hear your friends decided to fly the coop finally! Hopefully they found a nice abandoned house to settle into. Or a forest. Or some other place where there are no people involved!
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh, I see Bob, flickers are in the woodpecker family. We have woodpeckers here. Not flickers, I hope. We have a red headed woodpecker that does taps every morning on the gas tank, very early. Don't ever need an alarm clock. Been going on for years.
jatdebeaune Premium
My imagination is too limited for this one. Flickers huh? Have to research them.
klrrider Premium
We have them here also (n ca). I kinda like them so don't bother with them. Just pressure wash the house when they are done. Now the Flickers are another story... they bore holes in your house to get to the attic! I will leave it up to your imagination how I deal with them...

P.S. No... I don't do that.