Heed This Advice

Last Update: June 02, 2012
It's not from me. I received it from Brian Tracy, and I want to share it with you.

It's right on target.

The Seven Step Process for Setting and Achieving Your Goals

First, decide exactly what you want in each area of your life. Be specific!
Second, write it down, clearly and in detail.
Third, set a specific deadline. If it is a large goal, break it down into sub-deadlines and write them down in order.
Fourth, make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list.
Fifth, organize the items on your list into a plan by placing them in the proper sequence and priority.
Sixth, take action immediately on the most important thing you can do on your plan. This is very important!
Seventh, do something every day that moves you toward the attainment of one or more of your important goals. Maintain the momentum!

Only by discovering your innate strengths...by developing them...exploiting them to their highest degree--can you ever fully realize the greatest amount of satisfaction and enjoyment in everything you do.
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veronica.l Premium
Excellent, thank you.
A good read is the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Vicky, Think and Grow Rich is a bible. It's the kind of book you want to read over and over to absorb its message.
BIS Premium
Hi Jean. I'm a fan of Brian Tracy too. Its not rocket science but a lot of people find it incredibly difficult to follow.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Beverley, he's a master of organization. Nothing he says is revolutionary, just straight forward and to the point. I think we complicate things too much. I know I do. Writing it down is the best thing coming from this message. When you write it down, it feels like a commitment.
Arc2011 Premium
First step is the toughest
jatdebeaune Premium
It will cause you to soul search and think hard about what you want..