Help! What Would You Do?

Last Update: February 27, 2011

 Well, I know this isn't fun Sunday fare, but sure need your feedback.

I'm disgusted. There are 3 different poachers, individuals infringing on my trademark rights. I have contacted them by way of a polite firm email, to which they replied, promising to remove my trademarked name from their advertising. One of them was just concerned that I would ask for part of their profits. To make a long story short, my name is still being used along side theirs in Google, so my stuff pops up and so does theirs, as if we are the same company. Do I need a lawyer or Google? 

They have had a polite warning from me and maybe that's my first mistake. One of them even stole my graphics. I can't stand plagerism. One of them said she doesn't know how to get it out of Google. I feel that's not my problem. Not feeling friendly anymore.

If it were you, what would you do?

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Meadow Breeze Premium
I have not the experience to be much help here, but I hope you get some real answers to help solve this problem. It's a shame for these people to steal your work and take credit for it. I'll probably run into this eventually. Good Luck Buddy!
Labman_1 Premium
Google's probably got their hands full this week but they took down one site that was causing me grief. If the C&D doesn't work a complaint to the big G might get results. You can always add that to the proposed action items in the event of non-compliance.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jay. I see that site has a cease and desist trademark form too. These people are in violation of both trademark and copyright. I think I'll mail it out to them. I try to opt for amicable. Hasn't worked this time.
magistudio Premium
P.S. Send it in another email & if you can, via post mail.
magistudio Premium