Hide Out!
Last Update: January 03, 2010
Whoever suggested working in the public library, I love you!
I have had a hideous time keeping free of distractions. Of course some of it is unavoidable. Lost an uncle over the holidays, and my best friend lost his dad. My brother in law has been in the hospital since before Christmas. And there's more. Been rough.
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to the library to write. No cell phone. No forwarding address. Just like a real job.
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I'm easily distracted too. I like to be in a nice quiet place to read or write. Yes libraries are good places. Also if you live near a college, empty classrooms are good places. When I was going to college, people in the library would still chatter, so I would locate a classroom that wasn't being used for say an hour and I would study there. May seem an unusual solution to a busy and noisy work area, but it works.
And make sure you don't open up ANY email when working as this can be a MAJOR distraction.