Hmmm...Looks Like It's Mostly About Content

Last Update: March 05, 2011

From all I've been reading, it seems as if the best way to handle the new Google algorithm changes is by supplying excellent unique content "consistently". Get high quality backlinks through social networking, forums, YouTube. Looks like paid links are in trouble.

The speed of your website and web pages loading will now play a major factor. So, increase download speed. Three seconds is pretty good, but one second or lower is better. You can check your speed with a program in Google Webmaster Tools. You need a very fast host. Put less on a page. Don't junk it up with too much text, pictures, and reviews, etc.

Google is encouraging clean, focused, compatible, and fast. They're rewarding quality, not quantity. Flash is too slow. Use HTML instead. Check out how your site looks on different search engines and browsers. Keep image sizes to a minimum, without sacrificing quality. Make your website Google friendly.

One source suggested considering three things:  lower keyword density, natural linking, getting links from industry expert sites ( you need great content and/or great branding for that).

My conclusion: just make your sites great! I think Google's trying to keep us honest. Wonder what's next? Wonder when the directories will get their wheaties back?

My real conclusion: do your best and roll with it.

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Felio Premium
Honesty is the best policy. Those who are honest and produce quality content need not worry about Google algorithm changes.
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like good advice. The mantra I've been hearing since I got to this place is Quality Content. Hmmmm, I think this is now more important than ever.