How Can I Make the World a Better Place?

Last Update: March 07, 2010

Well, it sounds lofty and I'm not all that profound. And I'm not Miss America. However, I have been thinking quite a bit these days, about the world and my country, and the greed that has overswept the planet, thus making the US almost unrecognizable. Not Ozzie and Harriet anymore. Used to be able to "trust" our institutions. What a luxury! Mischief has finally caught up with us. Now let's re-establish some order, some balance. We're still the same good people, sadder but wiser. But how to make it better? What can we do individually to help?

Gordon Gekko was a villain, or so I thought. There are Gekko's all over the place, and they're being celebrated as pillars of industry, etc.  We're finally waking up. Maybe that's the first step to better.

We all have an opportunity over the Internet to uphold values and to establish a high standard of ethics. Fill the Internet with quality material and value. No spamming or scamming, not that anyone here would do that. But what a colossal opportunity! We can make a difference!

Here's a quote from Confucius that I love.

"With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow-I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud."


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Not2Late Premium
so well-said....