How Do You Relate to Your Audience?

Last Update: February 18, 2011

Better still, do you relate to your audience? 

Is your message outside yourself, or is it an intrinsic part of who you are and what you believe? Does it come from your core belief?  Are you sincere? Are you content to be an also run, or do you prefer to lead? Are you providing original thought and leadership that will benefit like minded people? Are you inspiring your customers and helping them to better their lives? Or are you just selling them something? Are you and your topic interwoven? And are you interwoven in spirit with your audience? In other words, on the same page? Same values? Same basic beliefs? Same taste level? Are you a match? Are you selling or leading?  One of our WA members (Khairul Anwar) posted a blog with a thought provoking video that will ring your bell. If you haven't viewed it yet, check it out.

The best way to be authentic is to be authentic. Talk shoulder to shoulder and inspire. That's leadership. In my book, that's good business.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Put another way, it's putting your money where your mouth is.
Meadow Breeze Premium
If we are going to feed a hungry crowd, we have to assure them they are at the right place to get what they want & need.
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog once again Joan! These questions are so important in my opinion.
dgmills Premium
Thanks for pointing out his video. A basis for long term success and legitimacy. Cheers, Dano