How Good Are You At Solving Problems?

Last Update: March 06, 2011


How clever are you? Do you think outside the box? Lateral or logical?

Since problem solving is part of business and life in general, fun to see what you would do with this one. Life supplies all kinds of challenges. Pictures are gorgeous. Fascinating and fun.

Well, I wanted to send you the video, but it didn't work for some reason, so here's the slide show. Enlarge so you can see the pictures well.

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Wayne Hudler Premium
I am more inclined to think logically first, but when creativity is called for I can do that too! What does that make me????

Thanks for an introspective of our though process. Now I am thinking again....some would say that could be dangerous.
jatdebeaune Premium
Smart. Palming, like in magic? It required creative thinking and taking a chance. Glad you enjoyed it Alex. We use this kind of thinking more than we realize.
Alex Copeland Premium
I pretty much had the same solution as they used but mine involved 'palming' so a little more complicated but still using the same resources :) Nice one, thanks.
jatdebeaune Premium
That Google ad on the bottom is in the way of the text. Just click the x and get rid of it and you'll be able to read the text. The YouTube video has music, but it wouldn't open.
Labman_1 Premium
I missed quite a bit of the story as some of the text is missing from some slides. I expect I have the gist of it though. Another example of thinking outside the box. Thanks