I Deeply Appreciate All of You!

Last Update: October 26, 2010

It's 2:18 AM, and I feel inspired to say this. No, I don't drink and am totally sober. Just want to pay tribute to all the positive energy here at WA. I want to say thanks to all of you for your great input, your great caring, sharing your thoughts and ideas and your wisdom. Thank you for your unlimited generosity. This community, although international in scope, represents a microcosm of my ideal world. Frankly, I feel more kinship, more solidarity with many of you than I feel with most of my 20 year plus off line friendships. We share something very important in common. We dare to reach for what we want in life, not content to settle for the status quo, not afraid to explore, not afraid to try new things, not afraid to work hard, not afraid to learn new things and entertain unfamiliar ideas, and not afraid of brick walls. Not afraid. If you were truly afraid, you wouldn't be here. Fearful people do nothing and lament their fate. They even criticize other people who are courageous enough to take a leap in the direction of their desires. Courageous people might be afraid, but they go forward anyway, and they keep going. Your passion propels you forward.

I love the blogs here at WA. The Forum is wonderful too, because many questions are answered there. The blogs are an expression of how people are feeling about what they're doing. People offer a constructive accounting of their progress, and supply a well of inspiring encouragement just when you need it most.

So I say thank you everybody. Thanks to Kyle and Carson for inventing such a platform.

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Labman_1 Premium
I heartily agree. Sometimes its just a playground but often when a problem arises the insight that I get from others in this network is awesome. Thanks for articulating this. GFY
famousplumber Premium
Joan - Well written and I send it right back to you! You have been such a positive influence on this old plumber and I cannot relate to
you how much I appreciate it. To me you represent the epitome
of what WA is all about. Thanks for the post and for being who you are.
Fallulah Premium
This is a wonderful post and speaks exactly what I feel about WA too Joan. Long may it continue :)
WRI Premium
docoparco Premium
Hi Jatdebeaune, I am also experiencing the positive vibrations in the extent to which members reach out to share ideas, to motivate, encourage and willingly help each other. It's really great!
Ideas are the only things which when shared, increase in value on both sides or among those sharing them.
Keep the positive vibes flowing. Thanks for sharing, take good care and continue to be of good cheer everywhere.