I Love Insomnia

Last Update: October 19, 2010

When you work "solo" at home, you form some freaky unique life-style habits. I go at it intensely pretty much the entire day. By dinner time, I start to come down. Fade. Then it happens: the DINNER break. I love to cook, so making dinner is actually an enjoyable high for me. But after dinner, I get so tired, I fall over like a giant sequoia. I mean dead to the world fall over. Unconscious like you can't even budge me. It's really embarrassing, but I try not to let it happen when there's company around. How embarrassing would that be if the hostess falls into the chocolate mousse?Then miraculously, I wake up an hour later totally refreshed, as if I've had a whole night's sleep, and I just don't get tired at all after that until about 3:00 AM. This is a completely rotten unhealthy habit, so I don't suggest anyone cultivate it.  Have to tell you though, early morning is a great time to get insights. At 3:00AM, everything is clear, everything is peaceful. At 3:00AM, you can solve the world's problems. Wayne Dyer loves to get up early, not stay up, get up. Says he does his best work in the wee hours. Maybe there's a healthy compromise here. I believe you need at least 8 hours of sleep a night to be healthy. And there are new thoughts on the benefits of sleep. Some health experts claim you need even more than 8 hours. I used to sleep 4 hours, but that's just plain stupid. If you're holding down a job, you most definitely need a normal night's sleep so that you can be alert during the day. I know it's hard when you're trying to advance your IM career at the same time. Hard to fit it all in.

Early morning is definitely my best time of the day, like from 3:00 AM to say, noon. When are you at the peak of your prowess?  

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Ben G. Premium
I sleep from 10:00pm until 4:00am. I wake up without the aid of an alarm clock, work 8 hours then take a two hour afternoon nap. I then work until 9:00pm and watch an hour of my favorite sitcom(s) before going back to bed. I get 8 hours of sleep, approximately 14 hours of work (between showers, meals and other breaks) and I wouldn't be happier with a another schedule.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hey Joan, I agree with you early morning is great for the energy of the brain. My early is more like 6:30. At 3:00 AM I am in deep sleep still. It's strange my whole sleep habit changed about 4 years ago. I used to be exhausted and sleepy at 9:00 PM. Very annoying, but I couldn't help it and then I still had a hard time getting up at 6:00 AM. Now I am up until 12 midnight and up by 6-6:30 with no problem. Go figure LOL!
erussell Premium
I read a recent study that says 7 hours sleep is the right amount of sleep. Those who slept for 7 hours had a much better chance of not developing any health problems than those who slept less or more.
Labman_1 Premium
Hmmm, seems like you like to work a double shift. Isn't it amazing how we find that 16 hours is a normal work day. I don't usually make to the 3:00 AM marker. I usually call it a day at 2:00 or so but I agree that night time is the most productive of all. Since the kennel wakes up around 7 I'm usually back at it by 8. Hmm, 5 hours no wonder I'm tired all the time.
DABK Premium
4AM till about 11:30, then I get a second wind just when I'm supposed to make sure my daughters are brushing their teeth properly, when I'm supposed to read to them their good night stories. Tsk, tsk, tsk.