I Think Google is CRAAAAZY!!!

Last Update: February 20, 2011

So frustrated this morning. Happily working on something and it occurred to me that Google may have a problem with the basic structure of my project. It's a perfectly respectable plan from my point of view, and from any sane business point of view, but not sure about Google. Wouldn't it be tragic to invest months, maybe years and have Google come in and wipe me out for some arbitrary rule? 

When you have so many rules and pre-requisites that change like the wind, don't you think it's sadistic not to provide a contact source for serious  webmasters, either a person or a direct email so one can pose their question? Google is wasting our time and that's not fair. 

Have been on the phone all morning trying to find a Google contact. I do not have the kind of question that can be put in a forum. The Google CS people say you can get your answer in the help FAQ on the Google site. Well, what do you do if you don't have a stock question? Man, I'm frustrated.

 Do any of you guys know where one can ask a specific question of Google? I'm pretty sure I have communicated with Google in the past, but forgot what I did. I think this is so antagonistic of them. 

If I find the contact source before you do, I'll share it with you, so none of us has to go on this ridiculous chase and waste time.



Closest I've come is Matt Cutts, who is no longer answering email. You can communicate with him via Webmaster Central Team. Here's some contact information you can use: http://www.ginside.com/2007/1186/matt-cutts-doesnt-respond-to-e-mail-anymore/
Also, here's a nice find and a way to communicate with Google folks. They have a comment box, and you'll get Google names. Privacy of an email is missing however.   http://www.searchenginegenie.com/seo...by-google.html
Two names stand out: Susan Moskwa and John Mueller. Go to Webmasters Help Forum and Bionic Posters and you can start your own thread.
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Alex Copeland Premium
Have you tried Googling for it :P He he, seriously though it can be very frustrating when they seem to be all locked up in their ivory towers and at a flick of a wrist they can change something that makes the whole game change... but that is the point I guess, really they don't want anyone trying to 'game' the system and they do all this to make sure of it... good luck getting your answer, if its anything others could benefit from why not make it into an ebook and call it 'The Google Code - Secrets From Olympus' :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you Phil. I'll try that. Thank you Dusan. Those are the numbers I called and they referred me to the website.
DABK Premium
1-650-253-0000 This is main number.

This is the customer service number 1-650-623-4000

press 0
phildeeze Premium
Hey I just noticed you already stopped by my blog so scratch that first comment. But I do have the email account I sent my inquiry to but like I said it was adwords which may be a different department. However they may be able to help or at least point you in the right direction. Try this email here "answers-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com"
phildeeze Premium
Well I am in the same boat as you right now but with adwords. I was able to contact the people through adwords and it was actually a person who responded which was nice but I don't know if they can help with a general google question. Anyways my last blog post got a lot of feedback because many people are having google troubles. If you stop by my blog here at WA I go over the problem I had and the solution I was given. If you are in a similar situation it may help.