If I Wasn't Fearful, What Would I Do?

Last Update: January 30, 2011

Not original with me, but a quote from Richard Carlson, PH.D. from his book: Don't Worry, Make Money.

When you think about it, this statement is loaded. Remove fear from your center and  then step aside. Everything opens up when you get rid of self imposed fear. Everything becomes possible. All of this crazy inertia that we think is laziness is just fear that acts like a doorstop that prevents a flow of energy.  Fear stops any kind of action.

I've always used rituals to de-activate fear. Most of my rituals are very practical. I'm a designer, and whenever I start a new collection: a painting, or anything that requires more than usual creativity, I go through the ritual of cleaning and lining up my brushes, pencils, pens, paints, chalks, etc. My palette has to be pristine clean. I don't want any carry overs from previous projects, unless  I am incorporating elements of them into a current project. Paint wells are clean. All surfaces are uncluttered and clean. Paint rags are clean. My drawing table is covered in a clean wrap of white paper. There is no clutter in my studio. My paint tubes are rolled up like toothpaste. Am I a neurotic? Not this time. I do this to clear my brain, so that what I produce has a clear channel to happen. Inside reflects outside. Outside reflects inside. This process requires action, and action helps to dispel fear.  Clearing out clutter also applies to internet marketing.  Hone your plan down to the essentials, and get rid of the rest.  It only clutters your brain and makes what should be a simple process complicated. Do everything you can to make it simple. This is no "preachy" sermon from me. I'm learning too. I have fallen into this trap often, but I think I have finally learned this fundamental truth. That's why I'm sharing with you, and risking being redundant.  It's a very important discipline to "own" which can help bring about your success much quicker. I lost so much time just trying to put this simple realization in place. Most of you probably know all about it. But many very new newbies will feel trapped by too much information at once, and they will waste time trying to connect the dots, which is impossible when there is so much clutter, hence, frustration. Feels much like Hansel and Gretel following the breadcrumb path in the forest. There are easier ways to find your way home. WA is big time aware, hence the reason K and C provide a basic plan of action. 

The more you embrace "keep it simple stupid" the closer you will be to your fulfillment. To all of our success!

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Meadow Breeze Premium
Hey Lady, I really enjoyed reading this post, I am sure a lot of us often make things just a little more complicated than what it really is. And I would probably do a little better if I were more organized.You are an inspiration! Thanks!
NEA03 Premium
I've struggled with this too. I thought making money online should be really complicated so I made it complicated when in fact all I had to do was keep taking simple steps.