If in Doubt, Don't Open

Last Update: March 24, 2012

I just received an email from DHL about a package they were not able to deliver. They sent a pdf, and instructed me to open it. Since I'm not expecting a package, this was a red flag. They used the DHL logo, and telephone number.

I called customer service, and was informed that someone is sending around a virus.

It looks legit at first glance. That's why I am warning you about it. I was almost taken in.

If you receive the same email, don't open the pdf. Forward the whole thing to:


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Stacydee Premium
Thanks for the heads up!
jatdebeaune Premium
You're welcome.
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like a variety of Marshmallow to me.
jatdebeaune Premium
Yeah, but not as sweet.