If It's not a fit, Dump It!
Don't waste your time. Time is your most important asset.
If you are anything like me, from time to time, and usually during weaker moments, you succumb to giving a shiny thing or two a go. Nothing wrong with that so long as you make sure it doesn't distract you from your main focus. I think it's important to check things out when you're curious, but only if they sound promising.
Not all shiny things are garbage. Some of them are quite interesting. Thing is, that piece of software or game plan may not suit you personally. We're all wired differently and one software or game plan does not fit all. And that's quite okay.
You never really know what you're buying until you buy it and try it out. If it doesn't feel comfortable, or natural, or if you're bored with it, or if it has too many upsells that programmer says you need, then send it back for a refund or forfeit the cost. Better to do that than waste your time forcing it to work. If you happen upon something that's fun, and you think it can work for you, then that's different. It can possibly be another source of revenue and part of your arsenal of multiple streams of income.
In order to be successful, you need to be emotionally committed. It's not just about doing the task like a robot and the money flies in. You didn't go online to have a boring life.
You begin to recognize where your talent lies online, so best to focus on that. Otherwise you run the risk of frittering away energy and accomplishing nothing.
Just my thoughts for the day. Please comment on how you feel about this. Always interested in your thoughts and opinions.
At this point though, I may the King of shiny things distracting. But I am getting it under control, I'm using one of those shiny things on a string to self hypnotize against my attraction to their distraction.