It's All Up to You

Last Update: April 25, 2012

Make it uniquely your own business...

One size does not fit all.

Channel everything you're learning at WA into a business customized and tailored to suit who you are.

Interact with local business? Of course, why not? Huge opportunity helping businesses get online and do well. But that's not all there is either.

Make it right for you. That's where the pot of gold is, the lucrative sweetspot we are all seeking. Have the business of your dreams. Sometimes it's as plain as the nose on your face.

Think out of the box. How can you marry online to offline and vice versa? What can you offer other entrepreneurs that they can't do for themselves because they either don't have the time and/or they don't have the experience. What about pursuing your niche, your area of expertise offline, but add the online component. For instance, if you are a plumber who now knows how to market online, offer your services to plumbing supply companies in your area, or construction companies. You can set up a blog for them. You know the subject, so you can write for it. Charge plenty for your services.

What special skill do you bring to the table that others don't have? We all have skills. If you've lived life and earned a living, you have a skill. What do you love to do? Have people paid money for that skill? They will continue to pay money for your skills.

Look at learning Internet Marketing as contributing to your bank of skills. It should expand who you are and make you a double, or triple threat...(just borrowing a show business term to make my point).

If you think of Internet Marketing as an end unto itself, then you are limiting your possibilities. You may be skilled at many of the components of being a good online marketer, but selling products and programs may not be your bailiwick.

Don't frustrate yourself with limited thinking. Expand.

You don't have to be an affiliate marketer to create the life you want using these new skills. Knowing how to create a list, reasonable knowledge of SEO, writing articles, building websites, setting up a blog, getting traffic, communicating with an audience are all marketable skills. They can be used in myriad ways to earn a great living.

Think about how you can benefit others and still make your business perfect for you.

Stream of consciousness. I talk to you guys like I talk to myself, and I talk to myself all the time. Just a reminder.

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DABK Premium
I agree, concur and second that. I like marketing for offline companies more than affiliate marketing. The money coming in says so too.
jatdebeaune Premium
I know you are working with offline companies and doing well.
Deezdz Premium
I'm reading a book which was published in the early 80's I believe, "Getting Rich Your Own Way", by Srully Blotnick. Blotnick and his team studied 2000 people (all wanting to become rich) over a 20 year span. Many dropped out of the study and they were left with 1057. Out of the 1057, only 83 people became wealthy. The common denominator of those that became wealthy - THEY FOLLOWED THEIR BLISS!...regardless of the twists and turns their career took (keeping an open mind). I couldn't agree with you more Joan...finding your sweet-spot can and does lead to your pot of gold...and we are all here for a reason. I think those that try their hand at IM just to make a quick buck fall to the wayside real quick. Those of us who follow our hearts, enjoy the tasks and challenges, eventually succeed.
jatdebeaune Premium
You are so right Dee. It requires passion and commitment to achieve great things.
Bis...I'm So Glad to hear You & Jatedbeaune say y'all talk to "yourselves" too. I was afraid it was just me! Glad to know I'm in good company. P.s. I talk to my dog (Hannah), all the time....sometimes she Answers!
BIS Premium
I talk to the dog too (Linus) - but mostly I think he's saying 'Shut up woman and take me out!
jatdebeaune Premium
Your pets understand you. Plants understand too. Have you started that one yet? The dahlias in my garden won't blossom unless I talk to them every day. True. Didn't have time last year. One or two flowers. That's all.
DABK Premium
Does she? Hmm!
BIS Premium
Very good advice. There is more than one way to skin a cat! I too talk to myself all the time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha Beverley. Talking to yourself helps the brain to function better, and you're never lonely.
Great advice, Jatedbeaune. These "new" skills that we have learned at WA can & Should be implemented in a variety of ways. 10 years ago, I would have laughed at any one telling me that I would be writing articles online & building websites. The skills we've learned here serve us well now AND into the future!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's not a mistake that we're all here. Something drove us to learn online marketing. We each have a big purpose that reveals itself in
time. Strange...I used to cry just looking at a computer. Now, you can't get me away from it.