
Last Update: March 21, 2011


Our hearts and prayers are with the Japanese people!



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robert2704 Premium
An Email for Craig Descorcy in Japan...

I'd like to thank everyone that wrote asking if my family and I are
okay here in Japan.

I've been in contact with Tiffany daily. She's an angel!

I'm sure what you've been hearing about Japan in the news is
true but you're seeing the worst. In places like Osaka, nothing

For us, we don't have much gas or food in the stores.

The government keeps saying they will ration electricity in my
area but it has not happened yet.

I've been very reluctant to talk about my situation because so many
people lost their homes, family members, businesses, etc. Compared
to that, my family and I are very lucky.

The big concerns now are the nuclear plants that burned. Many have
left the country. Not many want to go out in fear of the radiation
in the air.

For now, we are just hanging in there and seeing how this all plays
out because moving back to America after being in Japan for 15+
years will be a disaster in itself.

Starting over is never fun. On a positive note, Japan is real fast
in repairing. The next day after the disaster around my home, the
streets were being repaired and flood waters cleaned up. This goes
for all other areas too.

Thanks again to all that wrote. It shows that people really do care
about others.

In friendship,

Thoughts are with them all. There definitely a strong country.