Just For Fun!

Last Update: July 25, 2011

I'm sending you a colorful fun toy to play with whenever you take a break from marketing. It's very relaxing, and did I mention colorful?


Have fun! 


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leesworld Premium
It don't too much like this, it make me dizzy. Even when I left the site, I am still dizzying
jatdebeaune Premium
I love this thing, even though it makes me dizzy. Supposed to be some remarkable technical feat. Still wish they slowed it down a bit.
Barnabus Premium
Wow..If only I could have used this in the late 60's or as I prefer to "My misspent younger years" lol..and yes it was fun (the kaleidioskop..I mean.(Although some of the things I did was fun too)
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree. Also think it would be better if it didn't spin so much. It's like a mandala. Fun anyway. Did it hypnotize you?
Felio Premium
It's colorful but not quite fun as the spinning effect is hypnotic and makes me feels giddy.