Just Thinkin' Outloud

Last Update: May 30, 2011

Been thinking a lot about patterns. Why? Because everything has a pattern. Because I have been observing patterns in IM.  Fascinating industry, very dynamic because one little change from Google can change the complexion of everything in real time.  More like dealing with Jupiter or Zeus. So fast. Never before have I been involved in something that has so much transparency, is so quick, and is so contingent on another entity such as Google. Even the government doesn't work as fast as Google, or as smart. We don't want government involved in the Internet EVER!

IM is cause and effect on parade. Do this, and that happens, given the ground rules. Once you understand that, then you are able to see the patterns.  Google can't implement too fast because people will get shocked and implode and that's not practical.  Game the system and you get smacked. This "gaming" game that so many gurus play is baloney.  You can't build anything real on fake. You may have limited success and  temporary profits, but it goes away, and sometimes in a way that is too costly and too embarrassing. I was once involved in a guru scheme that I was too dumb to recognize for what it was. It was a software program that was gaming Twitter. I had no idea what was happening, but I got slapped hard.  I am embarrassed to tell you how much time I invested in this crazy plan that  I thought was a master marketer's better way of doing things. I dropped the program and was reimbursed, however, I lost irreplaceable time. Sometimes it's a fine line that you walk when you try to game the system. Foxy is cool, but not to shoot yourself in the foot.

IM is pioneering. We'd all prefer to feel safe,  having someone lead the way to guaranteed profits.  I never opted for a roller coaster ride, did you? We're encouraged to do this or do that and all will work out fine. However, "this or that" action has a lifespan, so we'd better prepare ourselves to  "anticipate" what's next. What's the next big thing? The only way to do that is to understand the beast by observing patterns.  You can't predict absolutely everything, but I know many of you very experienced marketers among us find yourselves able to predict the next thing, the next  move Google, Facebook, Twitter, Bing make, with uncanny accuracy.  

Advance the art and/or merely survive it, we have to jump out of that limited box and take some chances.  All those smart PhD guys at Google take educated risks every day. You don't get anywhere without experimentation and risk.

When does marketing online become comfortable?  Ah, just the word feels good. I'm not  implying "rote" or "old hat" or without the spark of invention, or without risk.  I don't mean safe either. I mean when is there a level of familiarity (comfort) that allows someone to feel they can anticipate outcomes with reasonable accuracy because they see a pattern evolving out of the actions that they take?  Pattern from chaos. It has to be constant and stable enough to be trusted as a pattern.  I imagine,  that's the time people feel they can fire their boss. They feel safer and happier with IM than with conventional employment. I've been self employed most of my life. Guess what? You're safe.

I agree with Seth Godin. If you haven't read Linchpin yet, just read it.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Just rambling guys. Actually, some of that jedi software is great. I don't mean to be putting it all down. Anything that can save time is great as long as you can prevent getting sabotaged.
jatdebeaune Premium
New level, huh...What's that so I'll know what to expect?
Labman_1 Premium
Oh, Joan, patterns, that means you are starting to internalize this stuff. Hey everyone Joan just reached a new level!