Keep It Light, If You Can

Last Update: September 09, 2010

Oh, the joy of spontaneity!

If you're anything like me, you begin to feel bogged down and heavy with all the do this and do that of Internet Marketing.

That's why I'm always talking about simplicity. I long for a release from complication IN EVERYTHING. Life in general. I want to cut through all the garbage and arrive at the important stuff without the clutter. I long for an economy, a direct, straight forward means of sending a message to my customer, an uncomplicated way of doing business that works. I feel that in order to reach that simplicity, I have needed to learn as much as possible about all the classic ways of doing business online so that I can "not" do it that way, not as rebellion, but to make it my own thing. That's not ego, it's the way I motivate myself and stay interested.

One of the things that slows my pace in this pursuit is a lack of technical knowledge. You know, sophisticated technical knowledge. How to do everything knowledge. I am so wistful of the people who have computer technology in their background and would love to grab hold of some of that myself, not because I am a budding techy, lol, but because it is a powerful tool to arrive at what I want to say. It's great to have the "words" (technology) to express oneself.

I see putting your information, your ideas over the Internet as an art form, and why not? Why not "sell it" beautifully? What's wrong with an aesthetic approach to selling? An aesthetic approach sells in magazine and TV advertising. How 'bout the great new MacDonald's ad? How 'bout all the great Target ads? Or iPod? Or Vytorin? They are the ones you remember. Every one of us has that individual spark of something in us that is very much our own expression. Combine it with selling. What fun is that? Of course you can write sales copy according to the way a major guru does it, like Dan Kennedy and make tons of money. Ultimately, we're here to make money. I just have this nagging desire to play with the Internet in a different way, and I'm not totally sure how it's going to play out  yet. But I am feeling it strong.

I'm working on something now that will need to be translated digitally. I'm doing my best not to worry about the techy stuff yet. The horse comes before the cart, does it not?

Like most of us, I started this grand adventure of Internet Marketing with the intention of making gobs of money, not the overnight silliness variety. I am totally realistic about work related success.  My intention was also to communicate my message as an artist. Then I veered off course and checked out a bunch of niches. Nothing wrong with a hot niche that makes you some money, however I've been happiest sticking very close to the bone in the areas the I know best. Just make it pay you. If you're going to work hard, make money.

I've been inspired by what many of you have said in your blogs and the forum. Forget looking for one program that will give you all the answers you need to have a successful business. You'll succeed by taking a little from here, a little from there, follow your gut and do it your way. People are looking for paint by numbers because they don't feel sure footed yet on the Internet. Too new to most of us.  Of course, a little mentoring along the way can't hurt.

It's wonderful to read about all the success stories and they certainly do motivate you.  Remember, it's best to honor your own process by keeping your eye on your own eagle. Don't get distracted by another person's path. We're all individuals. I feel that it is important to carve out your own niche and market your product, whatever it is. Make it stong and simple. Reap your own harvest.

Now friends, I'm going to bed. Nighty night!

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jatdebeaune Premium
@joelpierce: Thanks.
joelpierce Premium

What a fantastic post.... You are an artist boy howdy!
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh thank you both for your kind comments. @reefswimmer: Diane, thank you for the soul comment. Well anyway, for better or for worse, that's it. I like the blogging for artistically minded teens. Good and original idea. @advancing Carole: Carole, thank you for the lovely compliment. Never saw myself as a writer, but this business is bringing some things out of me. Odd. I agree about all the good things WA is providing to help jump start new marketers. Fantastic community.
There will be many people reading this who will also be slightly 'wistful' with regard to your gifted writing ability. Yes totally agree about following our own individual 'yellow brick road' but am grateful, as I am sure are many others, that there is so much on WA that can be followed/duplicated
reefswimmer Premium
Hi you very dear and beautiful soul----gotta know that one of the great gifts you have is singing straight from your spirit and giving words to that song. I do appreciate that Kyle and Carson are striving for WA to take care of most of the techie stuff in the background so that singers like you can do your thing beautifully ! blogging for artistically minded teens???so many schools have dropped arts programs. I'm going to give this some thought for you. Sleep on it, maybe !
Diane, reefswimmer