My Shared 4:00AM Thoughts on a Saturday Morning
I love this time of day. Too early to make coffee because the intoxicating aroma will wake the household. Not only will they get mad or worried, but then the day will have to officially begin. I love going in the opposite direction of the crowd. Don't know why. If others are sleeping, I want to be awake. If others are awake. I want to be sleeping. If others rest and recreate on weekends, I want to be working. If others are working on Wednesdays, I want to take off and play. Always been that way. As long as you're not hurting anyone, I guess you have to do what makes you happy.
This is a Saturday morning, purely indulgent stream of consciousness blog. Too bad we can't meet for coffee at Starbucks and chat.
Been thinking about IM. Yeah, I know, so what's new? With all the Google likes and dislikes, my big "like" is that I think we all have a much clearer cleaner path to our individual success. I think Google is making it possible to be more creative, have more fun and hey, even lead. By that I mean be the authority instead of trying to manipulate a response from your audience with fear based sales tactics and the lure of your Ferrari, whether you own one or not. I have no patience with the typical manipulation techniques. Some of you will say, well, it works. Sure it does, but so does a sledge hammer and it's cheesy. And it's not the only method that works. As someone who loves shiny things, I am unsubscribing to almost every guru in my inbox because their unrelenting hype has rendered their endorsements bogus in my mind, and they're making me crazy.
I'm very encouraged by what's going on. Less or no hype will be more effective, more believable. No more restricting boring tricks to get people to read your copy so that you get traffic to your site. Things are getting more honest. Do you think the Internet is getting a conscience? Is it possible? Just produce something of value, build it and they will come. Tuck in a few important keywords in strategic places and run with it. Create quality, be of service, don't worry so much about kw density and Google. LOVE IT!
Kudos to WA! Kudos to Kyle and Carson! Kudos to our good friend and brilliant mentor Jay! I hear people saying that they are so advanced in IM that they no longer need WA. In many respects that may be true. But they are missing one big key point, and that is the symbiotic value of being together. Why do people join clubs? Not only that, you never know where you will pick up that valuable nugget of information that will change your life. You can join other forums and derive a lot of good from them. Why put limits on your exposure? Membership is affordable. WA is very special because of the culture K and C have created. It's an international family.
To those who put down, or are unappreciative of this extraordinary experience that is WA, just revisit Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich, in which Hill says how important it is to one's success to be surrounded by a group of peers who help one another. Thanks to K and C, we've got just that!
Have a great weekend guys!
@aem888: Thank you Art. I am happy that you found value in my blogs. Makes me happy.