My Thoughts on 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish'

Last Update: October 07, 2011

No problem on both counts! I like that!

In his address to the graduating class of Stamford University, Steve Jobs was  quoting Stewart Brand, publisher of Whole Earth Catalog, who signed off the last issue of his publication with the phrase "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

I think that's probably the best advice I've ever heard from anyone. A breath of fresh air!

I can't even remember what was said at my graduation. Would I have remembered this? Maybe not. Maybe the meaning  would have escaped me at age 21. Maybe it's more profound after you've experienced life. I don't know. But I do know everyone will interpret the meaning very personally.

I interpret it this way. As you go out into the world,  just dare to follow your heart. That's all.

Follow your passion. Keep happening. Don't be trapped by the illusion of having arrived. You never arrive! Don't stop reaching for the stars. Keep your innocence and wonder alive. Be like a child. Don't take yourself too seriously. Listen to your inner guidance.

What I find so remarkable about Steve Jobs is that he knew who he was. An apple knows it's an pun intended. Even in college, he had the sophistication of choosing courses that would serve him best as opposed to following a designated curriculum. What's even more remarkable is that he put this knowledge to work. And how! He just knew. And he persevered through hardship.

When he was fired from Apple, the company he founded, it didn't stop him. He just continued in another venue.

His independence and inventiveness reminds me a little bit of Buckminster Fuller.

Guys, take risks! Don't worry about being foolish. Don't focus on the outcome. Focus on the process. You don't know what the outcome will be. Could be much bigger than you ever imagined, so why limit yourself? You could be thinking too small, so just get out of your own way. And remember, nobody promised you a rose garden. Nobody said it would be easy. Nobody said it wouldn't be easy. So just find out for yourself.

What is the hunger inside of you? We all have it, although it's different for everyone. And it's not always monetary. Listen to your own heart. Trust your inner calling and just let go.

Thank you for the video Leo. It inspired me.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I agree guys, these are words to live by.
idm Premium
Sometimes you find someone has already said it best, so quote them instead. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Those words have stuck with me since he passed. As I remember them, I hope to live by them.
Incognito Premium
Fantastic post Joan. I'm glad you enjoyed. Definitely did the same for me. What struck me most was when Steve mentions - "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truely want to become. Everything else is secondary". Words to live by in my view.
Jamie Smith Premium
Steve Jobs R.I.P.