Oh Brother...Is This a Game?

Last Update: September 14, 2010

Two of my favorite merchants delayed renewing their membership with the network, and went off-line.

Meanwhile, I have spent weeks writing copy and articles to promote them.  It's not as if they can be easily replaced.  They are very unique and special and really don't have much competition in the affiliates arena. They are a perfect fit for me and what I'm trying to build.

The network was pressing them to renew, and advised me to drop them if they didn't renew in a week. One of them was down for over two months. Sometimes I feel like a fool. They had free advertising that whole time. Is it a device? Or is it just carelessness? Little ole me trying to build a business on a slippery slope? I was about to build a mini site in which these two merchants are  lead players. Too risky?

I made a big fuss over it. Called the merchants directly, and oddly they are both back on line. Co-incidence? Did they just need to be nudged? 

Do you think I can trust them?

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Barbara, actually, my affiliates are major players for the most part. I try to take on the best out there. It's not the learn Internet Marketing niche, which is more predictable in a different way. I have a shopping site. When I telescope in on a tighter niche in blogs, I'll be extremely careful.
bkb2012 Premium
Hey there. You have to stick with major players online. What's not evident is that anyone can become an affiliate but they don't have to be proven...so if their affiliate campaigns aren't going well, they either hang in there, retool..., help their affiliates, or they quit and move onto something else. The names I promote on my blog (+ Kyle and Carson) are the only folks I work with because I've had 6 sorrowful experiences like the one you've mentioned.
jatdebeaune Premium
Really don't know what gets into them Andre. They look very prosperous and on the ball. Wonderful product. They're getting great advertising for nothing with the affiliates, even if the affiliates sell nothing. They have to keep affiliates motivated too, by doing their part.
AndreErasmus Premium
They can't be too serious about their business, unless they had some unforseen problems.
famousplumber Premium
Trust results from that which people do, not what they say.