Oh Where-Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

Last Update: June 19, 2011

Doing a little pinging last night before hitting the sack, and checking on how Panda has affected some of my articles on EZA. Very interesting discoveries. In several instances, the "borrowed" article versions got top ranking over EZA...same article, name and resource box in tact. In other instances, the EZA version came up with a message: " We're sorry, the URL you have requested is not valid or has been moved." I had to put the title of the article in quotes in order to find it.  In one instance, a borrower took the title, there was no article, but a bunch of pictures of products (rugs), and nestled in the middle of them, was a picture of me. I clicked the image thinking I would be taken to the article, but no link. You've gotta have a sense of humor folks. That was funny.

Early on, before Panda,  I re-published a few of my EZA articles on my own site. I left them alone because I want my site visitors to get that information. No noindex. If I did a noindex, they wouldn't show up at all. So, when I searched those articles, they came up under my site, top of first page, but nothing under EZA until about the third page, if they showed up at all. Some were not there.

Is this what they mean by punishing directories? On the other hand, SA articles popped up fast in top positions. I think SA pings because I tried pinging and message read "Hey whoa cowboy, you've already pinged."

That's my research results for the day  folks. Happy Father's Day everybody!

NOTE: Don't re-publish any of your articles from a directory to your own site. Even though you are the author, Google will see it as duplicate content. I did it before Panda ruling, thinking I was being smart. I won't do it any more unless I do a noindex as was suggested by dataplextech. Going forward, I will publish the article on my site OR in the directory. Not both.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I'm just going to leave those articles in my site without doing anything. Frankly, I did a few the other way around too. First indexed in my site, then to EZA. It was okay with EZA at the time. They all ranked on the first page. And EZA ranked ahead of me. Was trying to do my own mini syndication.
dataplextech Premium
I'd wait a few weeks and see if what happens with those EZA articles. Don't forget that Google tends to take it's good old time figure things out. As for your picture on that site, that's weird.
jatdebeaune Premium
Another interesting point guys: if I didn't re-publish some directory articles on my own site, they would be gone. This leads me to ask if they will come back under EZA as if nothing happened, or will they be re-indexed under EZA as the first publisher? That would mean that the original indexing is my own. However that works out, I'm leaving them in my site, otherwise those articles would have been lost. Is the Panda rule retroactive? Or does the duplicate copy rule take place from the time the rule went into effect and not before? How does Google know the difference? Do their robots pick up a copyright notice?
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Joan, good stuff here.
klrrider Premium
Thanx for the info and tips...