Olympics...Be a Winner!

Last Update: February 13, 2010

Don't forget to tune in to the opening ceremonies tonight:: 9PM EST. 6PM PT NBC.

Get an emotional high! Get a good kick in the psychic butt! Learn from the best! Doesn't have to be IM. A winner is a winner. I'm no athlete, but I sure identify with the quest for excellence.

Olympic champions are very inspiring, to say the least. You learn focus, courage, triumph over fear, dogged determination, and everything else from them. It's way more than a sport, not that sports aren't great in and of themselves. It's human drama! Human triumph over limitation! Model yourself after the best athletes and you'll be a human at his or her best.

No kidding guys. The positive energy is contageous. It lines you up with the "winner" mind set that already exists in yourself. You'll find yourself super motivated in whatever you do.

It's my favorite event! Vancouver, here I come!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Love the games, but the coverage could be better. Too many commercials.