One From the Heart
Check this out guys, one from the heart for sure.
I basically only want to share a big heart in action. Because I'm reading some Seth Godin right now, the marketing mind refuses to rest.
I was so touched by this video. I'm reluctant to even imply any kind of marketing here because I am sure that the artist has no such intention. Nor am I implying that every kind deed that a person does should have a profit motive. I'm risking being crass by pointing out the potential of this gesture of kindness as a platform to ready the stage to launch a product. The emotional implications in this video would prevent anyone from exploiting such a situation as this, in any way whatsoever. I'm pointing it out, using it as an example because generous gestures in less emotionally charged situations can literally open a profitable channel for you.
Don't be afraid to give things away. Many businesses are launched by giving it away at first. You make the best cookies in the world? How's anyone going to know that if they haven't tasted what you bake? I know a person who baked very tasty quiches and flash froze them. Test marketed them on her neighbors.I was one of her neighbors, and a best customer. She gave a few quiches to Bloomingdale's food buyers in New York to test, and ended up with a big contract.
A "platform" is a launch pad, one little step to get you started, then it grows and grows.
The Internet just makes this task easier. Make a video, and in a week, a million people will have seen it. Send e-mail to just 6 choice people, and a project begins.