Paean To Fellow IM'ers

Last Update: March 03, 2010

Nothing technically to share here. Only my appreciation of you. You have courage, imagination, willingness to do what is not comfortable, you're smart, you have skills, you are generous, you're entrepreneurial, and you're willing to take risks, to put it all out there, despite any possible non-supportive feedback at home.  Sink or swim, you're doing it, and by God, you're swimming! Are you aware of your specialness? Your strength and commitment? Be proud because you have every reason to be.

Keep going. Never allow anyone to rain on your parade!

I shared a story with you in my last blog, not to evoke sympathy for me, but to give you a hint that we're all tolerating the nay sayers. Seems to be part of "daring to be different". Use it to fuel your fire. Here's what I did with my group. I affectionately, ahem, made them charter members of the Dull Men's Club, which they accepted graciously, albeit with reluctance. Only if they want to be members of the Dull Men's club, will they be accepted in my circle. Proof they're not really dull. The others have to go. Great. They're very polite now. At least they are keeping their mouths shut. Gotta keep a sense of humor and enjoy the ride.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for indulging my silliness. J.
Roy Penrod Premium
lol I love your sense of humor, J. You, my friend, are never dull ... hence the leadership position in The Dull Man's Club. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Here's the way it works. Ordinarily, if someone "wants" to be in the Dull Man's Club, then he can't be because that's proof he's not dull. The coolest of my friends love the idea of being dull men, consequently, they're not dull. The dull ones don't want to join. They're the dull men and should be in the club. My Dull Man's Club has become prestigeous overnight. Since I have to officiate, I want only cool members. To answer your question, sounds like your husband is a good candidate because he sounds cool. Many of the dull men are women.
Not2Late Premium
Ahhh... I hear you. Interestingly enough, I was sure that my significant other (do people say that anymore?) would be a naysayer when I presented my case regarding IM. He didn't understand any of it; he's not even remotely interested in technology but for whatever reason, he was curious to know more. He has become my biggest supporter. Okay, he is my ONLY supporter right now other than WA-ers. So... does he meet your Dull Men's Club criteria? :)
dr.bob Premium
There will aways be people that live like the earth is flat. They have a fear that if they go too far, they will "fall" off the edge. It takes a "different" person to realize that we live on a sphere and will live accordingly. We must learn to go beyond the norm. cheers to you and I wish you the best. Dr.Bob