
Last Update: February 21, 2010

I hear a lot of talk here at WA from people who are suffering from the pain of "procrastination". I say pain because it is painful. Nobody really wants to procrastinate, especially not someone who is motivated enough to have joined this community with aspirations of becoming a successful Internet Marketer. We all knew when we signed up that we had a ride ahead of us. We knew it would be learning and working. No surprises. Nobody can just give it to you, even if they want to. Procrastination can be an ugly addiction, an emotional drug, as a matter of fact. If you do nothing, then you don't have to face defeat, success, or anything in between. You can prolong the state of painful comfort. Does that sound contradictory? Yes, it is, hence the conundrum. You're miserable, but temporarily paralyzed to change the condition. Sort've like, "tired of livin', but scared of dyin'". You're not lazy. Stop beating yourself up. If anything, you're probably an over achiever and a perfectionist being sabotaged by your own need to be perfect. Friends, it's nothing but fear. Go after the fear, and destroy it. That overwhelmed feeling contributes to the fear of not being able to do the task at all. False. Just simplify. Do one thing and do it well, and your resistance will fall away.

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sox1n05 Premium
That's a great post! I love it! But you are exactly true. It's not a matter of being lazy rather trying to get over the need to ALWAYS BE PERFECT!

Once you've accepted that you ARE going to make a few mistakes, then it's really time to get to work!
jatdebeaune Premium
Love it!
blarg Premium
I've decided to wait until next month to procrastinate....
Studlyload Premium
Your blog just put into words what so many of us face each day...not only at WA, but in life as well. And it is an ugly drug that self-perpetuates the malaise of doing nothing, while simultaneously saying "I tired of how it's going ". Just like Nike....JUST DO IT!