Raises Questions and Answers to a Common Dilemma

Last Update: July 25, 2010

You might want to check this out.

If you are social networking for your business, and are faced with the decision of whether to brand your own name or your (own) company name, then this discussion will shed some light on the matter for you. It's helpful to read what others are thinking.

I've been trying to decide what name to use in Twitter. Should I be there as myself, or hide, or use company name? Whatever name you use, you are "branding".



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burntout Premium
Considering the recent stir on these networking sites I'd wear a mask, at least until some of the issues related to them are resolved. I know they are an important source for promoting articles, websites and all but some of the privacy pirating and such creep me out. I say keep your mask on and hide behind a company name.
moonvine Premium
I wish I had known about branding when I started out online. I have so many names and identities. And my real name, Joan Adams, is such a common name -- I know there is a poet and a professor on line who have the same name. Moonvine is from the days when I was going to stay completely private. :) That did not work either. And so I move forward, using what I have created and trying to build my brand around Joan Adams. -- I think. :)
Ezinewriter Premium
Very good information dear! I will use that for further purposes. In my case, when it comes to IM I am using my real name. The main reason for this is that my first and last name are unique together (looked for years... never found another Sylviane Nuccio...ever). Not in Europe and not here.

This is due to the fact that my first name is 100% French and my last name is 100% Italian and both are on top of that not very common. It would have taken another French girl named Sylviane with an Italian father named Nuccio. What are this odds?

So, that is why I chose to take my own unique name for IM matters, however for the same reason, I use pseudos for every other niches.
iFaith Premium
Exactly, using social marketing is best for branding yourself or company. Thanks for the link - will check it now.