Rethinking With a Fresh Eye

Last Update: August 05, 2011

When you look back at some of your old ideas and site projects, from the standpoint of what you have learned thus far, you often question, "Should I scrap it or just redesign it?"

Whoa! Stop being so cavalier! Don't be so wasteful. There's probably a lot that's good going on too, so reorganization is most likely the best idea, especially if you've invested much time and work. If it is crap, then let it go, or ignore it as a sampler.

I've discovered that I pay full attention to some elements of the niche/ site, and neglect the rest.  That's usually more out of ignorance than laziness. In order to build a big success, you have to keep all the plates spinning at once. With Google changes, SEO,  new trends on the horizon, and God knows what else, it is EXHAUSTING! The "learning process" alone absorbs your time and attention. That's before you have "taken action" and applied what you have learned thus far. (Very important new newbies.)

The thing about IM is that you can work 24 hours a day and still need more time in order to accomplish everything you want to accomplish. So what do you do? It's a challenge.

Do you remember when you started in this business, the guru cognoscente said you can do this in 2 hours a day, then ride around in your Porsche the rest of the day? HAH!!!

Can anybody who is truly successful do what has to be done in 2 hours a day? What is successful anyway? I guess if you keep breathing, you're successful.

We throw that "S" word around, but it's all relative.

Would be very interested in hearing your take on all this. How much of a role does outsourcing play in your success? How many hours do you personally invest in a day, a week, a month? Is there a strategy that works best to save time and also reach your goals? At what point do shortcuts diminish the quality of your offering?

What are your secrets to getting a lot done when you have a staff of "1"?

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jatdebeaune Premium
Right to the point, Art. Simplicity is definitely the way to go. Now that Google is encouraging a better user experience through informative content, I am finding myself wanting to write more and more abundant content. And I'll be inviting guest writers to contribute. Building and keeping up multiple sites is a big job. You're very right though. Find what works and repeat.
burntout Premium
Joan, your post mirrors my own thoughts on my elusive IM efforts and I can see that every one who has some relative success also has defined it in a form that is manageable by a recognized formula. If it works do it again because it does work. It need not get any more complicated than that. Refine it but don't go anywhere else with it. Once you understand one workable marketing formula then it doesn't matter if you do it yourself, outsource it, or hire two hundred employees because the formula will return the same amount if all the variables remain the same. Business (marketing) has no consciense. Thats a hard lesson for me. Your artistic instincts would have you craft something defined around altruism and your intellect would drive you to seek a stronger answer but in it's simplest form you have to find something someone already is going to buy, hang out a sign on a busy internet highway and let them buy it from you. Simply, complicated...