Saturday Morning Funny

Last Update: April 02, 2011

Very short video, but so funny! Dog owners will understand.Enjoy.

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Pounders Premium
That is too cute! Poor Denver!!! I always told my husband that dogs really do understand what we're saying to them. I had to show this to all my dog lovers' friends!
iw99 Premium
That was funny. Reminded me of a dog I had one time. My brother's girlfriend (who;s now his wife) one time baked two dozen blue berry muffins and came over to visit him. They put the muffins on the coffee table in the living room and went in to the kitchen to make coffee. In the time that it took them to boil the kettle to make instant coffee the dog got the muffins and ate 22 out of 24 muffins. Wasn't sick or anything but they said he was pretty regular for about a week after that.
jatdebeaune Premium
He's cute, has a conscience
andys43us Premium
lol.. Poor Denver. I feel sorry for him.
Meadow Breeze Premium
That's cute!