Segmented Intention

Last Update: February 25, 2010

While learning IM, and applying what I am learning at WA, I try to spend some time on introspection and meditation. Looking inside myself is just as important as learning about SEO and SERPS and Article Marketing. I am learning that everything starts from within, not from outside. We are here to change our lives in some way for the better. If we want to change, then best start with the basics. Start with deep seated beliefs and conditioned mental responses. Why are we so vulnerable to inconsequential events that shake our belief in ourselves? Why do we doubt ourselves? Because we are relating the event that rattled us to something that happened in the past, that may not have turned out so well at the time. It's over. We insist on re-living the emotional response of that event that took place a year ago, 10 years ago, or in childhood, or whenever. It's no longer applicable and it is harmful to our present state of happiness, and our ability to stay focused on our goal. We have a choice. Better to choose a more positive feeling. Hope you guys don't mind if I share these thoughts with you. I'm doing it because I feel it's important, definitely universal. What we think about, we create. Be careful of your thoughts. I imagine many of you know just what I am talking about. Do you know about "segmented intention"? Practice staying in the present and on purpose, one purpose at a time.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Dr. Bob. We need to root out anything that hinders our progress. J.
dr.bob Premium
Very Good. I enjoyed the writing and your words of wisdom. You are right, we seem to get stuck in the past. I am writing another chapter for my new book on the subject of scars. After all, isn't that what we "see" when we look into a past that "freezes" our present? Thanks for the reminder. It is great having you as a team member.
anindochk Premium
Your experience is immaculate! :)