So What's Wrong With Just Growing A Few Brain Cells?

Last Update: February 27, 2010

Guys, I just cleared a room last night. I made dinner for a few of my artsy friends who were asking what I'm up to these days. They were fully expecting me to talk about my lastest paintings or something, knowing full well I don't talk about that stuff. When I got all animated about IM, something I can talk about, I think they wanted to send me to rehab. They........on my parade. They got sort've intervention-like. You'd think I was a traitor or something. Shocking! Well, looks like IM is one thing I can't share with my friends. Too bad. Dinner was good anyway.

Disappointing, but I don't really care. Thoroughly enjoying getting out of my comfort zone and learning something new. Yes, I feel I am accomplishing something significant at WA, and will apply my new knowledge in a special way. Have already begun. Man, I'm having fun! Think it's important to expand your awareness of things so that you don't become complacent and boring. That's just my take on life. Thanks to all of you once again for the help. J.

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JaredB Premium
I think deep down, the people who criticize this career are jealous! I am feeling the outcast vibes, for sure. Take care.
kyle Premium
treefella Premium
Well Im new at this and havnt made a dime yet but belief is keeping me at it. You guys and my wife are 100% here for me. My friends listen but I know theyre not bothered as they dont have a clue what Im talking about and disappear when I talk about it. Theres also another reason being in the tree game my wage aint the best and my brother in law is a manager at a company and is very smug about his money the 'Im consderably richer than you' type haha. So hopefully we will all make it, keep your chin up and dont let these folk get to you! I think alot of people just assume it's the next interenet scam. Only we know they are wrong.

jatdebeaune Premium
I find that friends and associates are either totally indifferent or threatened by the Internet and IM. Very interesting either way. Yes, you just follow your own star.
Roy Penrod Premium
This is why I joined WA. Most people just don't "get it" because they don't think like we do. And that's a good thing ... 'cause I don't want to live the way they do! hehe Sometimes you just have to protect your dreams, J.
jatdebeaune Premium
I don't take you for granted either.