Sunday Morning Coffee Break with My Buddies

Last Update: June 13, 2010

Care to join me in a cup of Starbuck's Gold Coast? How about a slice of that famous lemon pound cake? That's my weakness. If you haven't tried it yet, do it post haste. You won't regret it.

I have a few insights to share. These will not be news to you. I think these ideas are so important to all of us who are breaking ground on unfamilar turf , that they bear restating anywhere and everywhere.

"Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how.  The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark".

                                        ~ Agnes De Mille

This quote applies to all of us, all of us creative beings, not just dancers. It's called "life", and provides the life in the work you create. Just think,  how dull life would be, how dull and lifeless your work would be if you had all the answers down pat.  The "risk" is what makes your work exciting.

By entering the world of Internet Marketing, are you really taking a risk? It depends on where you are. If you are committed to the idea of creating a business online, then you are taking a well calculated risk by pursuing your online education which has the realistic potential to bring you a sizable return. If you are not sure you want this business or have doubts that you will achieve your goals, then maybe you should cut your losses and move in another direction.

We all need to make a commitment. We should not be afraid of taking intelligent risks. "Doubt" is poison to ambition.

You have to believe with your whole being that you can do it. You can't fake this one. You can't fool yourself. The fruit of your thinking will be self evident.

What do you think sets Kyle and Carson, Jennifer, Marcus, Jay, Travis, and some of the other top marketers here apart? That they know all the technical stuff? That they work hard? That they have talent? Well sure, all of those things are important. The one big ingredient that they all seem to share is "belief". They believe in themselves. They believe in the process. 

I'm traveling this road right along side of you. I'm also on guard against negative thought patterns. I believe we all deserve to win. 

As I see it, you work on your mind first. Believe in yourself. Dispel doubt. Be receptive to winning and the rest will follow.




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maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for this, Joan. Sometimes, even the most tentative among us (hand raised high in the air) come to a place where it is too high a risk NOT to commit. Funny thing--I decided to join this community after ghost-writing a book for a success/motivation trainer. I had all of her believe-in-yourself mantras ringing in my head (put into MY own words, no less!) I've always been a mite suspicious of the Tony Robbins crowd...but I'm learning that all the education in the world can't take the place of simply believing way down deep that you can make things happen for yourself. Enjoyed the Sunday meditation/motivation break with you yesterday. :-)
AndreErasmus Premium
Believing in yourself and your abilities is of utmost importance. Don't let those negative thoughts crush you. Thanks for all the great blogs.
moonvine Premium
Absolutely agree! I have been working on that this morning. Teaching myself that I can raise my goals and stop settling for piddly results!
john326 Premium
Great Post..The power of positive thinking!!
Jamie Smith Premium
sing it sister, thanks for sharing yet another great blog!