The Candy Store

Last Update: May 26, 2011

WA is a candy store and I'm totally addicted. I've become addicted to IM. LOVE IT! How did that happen? I'm a technological cave woman. I have always depended on my innate horse sense and the kindness of strangers. Hah! Getting bold now and may be calling on you guys for help.  

My biggest frustration is that I want to do EVERYTHING at once, frustration being that every step takes time. I suffer from perfectionism and I'm not perfect. That's the problem.

To the total "newbies", crawl before you walk. Soak it up! You'll know when you are ready to walk. Whatever you do, don't let fear overtake you. It's no big deal. Ask questions, lots of questions!

I overcame one of my big fears last week and am feeling empowered because of it. FACE THE ENEMY, especially if it's fear. What a good feeling! I created an obstacle the size of an elephant when it was really the size of a mouse.

Here at WA, we are encouraged to take action from the getgo, meaning get your feet wet with research,  a niche, a blog, a WordPress site(or html site), whatever you want, write articles, backlink.  I understand the logic of that right now. Taking action expedites success and leaves no room to be afraid.  What a gift to be able to experiment with different niches, and it costs close to nothing to test them live. In light of that, what do you have to lose? You have everything to gain.

I get a thrill when I read about people who have been here barely a week, and already they have read the action plan, many of the posts in the Forum, tutorials, Jay's WAbinars, and have already set up blogs and sites. Took me about six months to get a footing, and I'm still chomping through the Forum and tutorials. Kudos and bravos to them!

Yours truly is digging in deep. Wish me luck guys.

Cheers for all of our success!

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jatdebeaune Premium
@Jamie Smith: Thanks Jamie. I am definitely taking action. @muskyblood: Thanks Josh. The real fun starts when you dig in.
@thadbong: Yeah, one foot securely in front of the other, keep going and don't look back at where you were. If we do that, we'll go far.
@genegem: Glad my blog spoke to you. Happy digging!
Excellent blog. Frustration being the keyword. I know my biggest problem with learning is wanting to be able to do it now without having to go through the tiresome learning process. We each have our own unique way of learning. Your blog told me to go digging deeper. Cheers for the welcome and timely inspiration.
thadbong Premium
Reminds me of an old joke: "How do you eat an elephant?" Answer: "One bite at a time..." =)
muskyblood Premium
Get after it Joan! Dig in and get down and dirty... Never know what you might find when you dig, right?
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Joan, you are already a success by taking action!