The Clock

Last Update: September 05, 2010

This is freaky weird.

I don't know how it will benefit you as marketers, but you'll get a kick out of it.

How in the world did they figure this out?>


Enjoy it. Curious to know if you'd have a practical use for it.



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reefswimmer Premium
What a kick ! I poked around it for awhile, to see the sources of stats etc., and found it even has a meditation timer (yup! ) Who would have thought of a meditation timer on a site overloaded with data ! Maybe they figure you need to zen out for awhile after reading all the other stuff lol..
Diane, reefswimmer
Sherion Premium
Now that was so cool. I just loved it. I spent like 20 minutes looking at that. Of course, I don't know what to use it for though! lol. Thanks that was kinda fun.
Wayne Hudler Premium
I think it is cool. A quick view of a lot of different stats. Can't think of an every day use for it though.
AndreErasmus Premium
Interesting! Like to see the crime stats on SA.
Felio Premium
It is based on some statistical averages (refer to data sources page) to come out with an algorithm to display the various results. I think it's good for general information as there are other factors that can affect the data. eg wars, natural disasters etc.