The Common Touch

Last Update: January 12, 2012

Have you ever had a conversation with a stranger, and felt as if you've known this person your entire life?

Are there rock stars and actors you feel a closeness to, especially when they are interviewed? Do certain politicians communicate with you better than others? Not just what they stand for, but as personalities?

Is there some art you prefer? Do you prefer Claude Monet to Robert Rauschenberg? Why?

When you meet a doctor or lawyer for the first time, do you feel a chemistry with certain ones and repelled by others?

Who do you hire? Certainly not the person who repels you. Of course, if the lawyer comes with rave reviews, then you might consider him/her. But you have to work with this person, so communication and chemistry are important. And rapport is an issue.

It's important to be able to relate to the performer or professional in some way. You identify with them, or see yourself in them. They reach you on common ground.

If you like movies from the fifties, John Wayne had that everyman quality. Spencer Tracy had it. Marilyn Monroe had it too. Today, I think Anne Hathaway has that quality. And Meryl Streep sure has it. It's not just acting ability.

I just saw an interview with Steven Tyler and Oprah Winfrey. What a great interview. Doesn't matter if you're an Aerosmith fan or not, Steven Tyler is just great. He was so honest about his life, and he wasn't afraid of the exposure. He has a crazy, delightful personality. The combination of him, and Oprah as the interviewer was magical. I've always been a fan, but now I am a big fan.

Yeah, I know he was on drugs. He's overcome it, and that alone gets you in his camp. The guy is high on life. Even though I've never been on drugs myself, and I'm not a rock star,  I identify strongly with Steven Tyler. That's what I'm talking ability to share part of your soul, so other people see you as human.

The marketers who have this human touch, "everyman" quality are the ones who are heard the best. They can speak softly, but their voices are loudest in that they are the ones you hear and trust the most. Why? Because they sound like "you". They sound like your brother Tommy, or your friend Alice. You know them. What's more, you think you know them well. They reach something inside you.

Yeah, I know we've all gotten circumspect and cynical. Most of us still react spontaneously to people in general.

The ability to do this is a spiritual ability. We all communicate with each other on different levels, it's not just the written word. We pick up people's energy. Some people are more fluent about communicating that energy than others. We all pick up on energy. It's easier to pick up on it face to face. That's what makes the internet a challenge for marketers.

Your energy has to come through cyberspace.

Someone here who does it really well is Jennifer, aka potpiegirl. I feel like I know Jennifer, although I've  never had a conversation with her. It's a talent. Jay has it too. His energy comes through his WAbinars.  I know there are many here who have that ability. These are just two who come to mind.

Is it charisma? Maybe.

I think developing a common touch is just a matter of allowing people in. Not sharing your bank account, not sharing your credit cards, but introducing them to a piece of who you are.


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Jamie Smith Premium
Joan, you are one of those people described in this cool blog. I feel like we go back to the 3rd grade or something, you always have good vibes. Wishing you great success in 2012 and beyond!
jatdebeaune Premium
That is so nice to hear Jamie. Thank you.
Labman_1 Premium
Joan, I feel like I know you too. Even though our discourse has been limited. Thanks for sharing.
jatdebeaune Premium
What a compliment! Thank you Craig.