The One Essential Ingredient for Mega Success

Last Update: August 11, 2011

It's in line with being of service to people. Yes, I believe in being of service to people, and treating customers and potential customers as if they are friends and family. Treat others the way you want to be treated is my business credo.

But in this post, I'm actually referring to choosing a hot profitable niche.  When I started out online, I was more interested in what appealed to me, choosing products that I would buy myself and what topic is of interest to me. That's okay because it puts you together with your passion and your area of expertise. That certainly has validity. There are other people like you with the same interests. You'll have enthusiastic followers, though it may represent a smaller segment of the population.

I'm a slow study. I'm very stubborn. It finally dawned on me. If you want vast financial success,  then focus on solving a problem, a big one. A universal problem. Make it an immediate desperate plea for help "fix it now" problem.  That's why "how to make money" and "how to lose weight" are two hot niches. People need help now with those two things and they will seek you out. To my mind, those are crowded niches, though if handled well, they are still full of potential if you promote honest programs like WA.  If you want examples of desperate niches, stay up late and watch the infomercials on TV. They are directed to people who are up late and probably worried about some problem.  If not worried, then people are more receptive to suggestion in the wee hours. Those credit cards are flying around at 2:00 AM.  I don't always approve of the infomercials because I think they prey on insecurities, but you can learn about niches from them. They're good for research. One person who comes to mind is Kevin Trudeau. He seems to specialize in helping the little guy understand the financial institutions, government and pharmaceuticals in an "They're bad guys, I'm on your side and going to give it to you straight" sort of way. He's very slick, but personable. He sells his books that contain information you can easily get on your own. That's fine, he compiles the information for you.  

My point is, Trudeau recognizes a problem/s and he's offering solutions to the problem/s. Whatever the problem is, if you can offer honest intelligent solutions that work, then I think you will be hugely successful.

Don't be one of the slick phonies though. Do it right. Help in an honest way.

Addendum: Please know that I am not endorsing Kevin Trudeau. If you read his books and have been helped by him, that's good.  I don't know why I used him to make a point. Please know that it was not an endorsement from me.   

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jatdebeaune Premium
@jdonn: They are good for getting ideas only. Most of them on those shows are sleazy marketers. I don't trust much that is offered in an infomercial. I'm suspicious of all of it, even the exercise equipment, but they are definitely tapping into hot markets where there is a need. Otherwise they wouldn't be spending money on infomercials. Now if you can solve the same problem by providing "valuable" solutions and help people, then you know you have found a good popular niche that could be your niche. Weight loss is a tough one because one size doesn't fit all. Gets complicated even if you are a nutritionist. @aem888: You're quite right. I thought of that after submitting the blog. Okay Art, let's use Jack La Lanne or Ron Popeil instead. Someone might misunderstand and think I'm using Trudeau as an example of someone to follow. No no no folks, I am definitely not a fan of Trudeau or Don DuPree. I think they're both slick, sleazy operators and would trust them both about as far as I can throw them. Just my opinion. I'm certainly not suggesting that Trudeau fills that need "well" for people who want information about money and government. I think he's exploiting people. All I'm saying is that you can uncover some markets by seeing what the infomercial guys are advertising. If you know something about government and how the laws work, and making money grow (especially in this economy), and if you know something about ancient herbal medicine, or new medical discoveries that are helping people, then those could be very helpful and good niches. It's just to get ideas, not mimic anybody. Whew! Did I make myself clear? Thanks for pointing it out Art.
aem888 Premium
Hi Joan,
Trudeau is a big time scam artist and I am not exactly a big fan of his. A quick Wikipedia search lists all of his legal indiscretions. He is not exactly one that I would pick as a good role model for success. I know your article does not condone his illicit practice but using him as an example of somebody offering solutions for problems may be potentially misconstrued. Another guy that comes to mind is a fellow by the last name of Dupre...He is back in the news lately and is apparently in deep doodoo...:)
jdonn Premium
I agree with you 100%. Next time I'm up that late, instead of watching the Food Network, I'll check out those informercials. I guess the ideal would be to find a desperate niche that's not so crowded. I happen to be in the "weight loss" niche and it is a "tough row to plow". I believe in the product I'm promoting and try to provide accurate and helpful info, but still.....
jatdebeaune Premium
Yup, you can get that stuff on your own. I think he's a notorious con artist. Full of it. He must be making enough on one time unsuspecting purchasers. They don't come back if you don't deliver.
Labman_1 Premium
I actually checked out one of Trudeau's books. 300 pages of rant No substance. Not worth the price. He makes his money on the poor little guy that actually believes his schtick. Got to admit the ads are slick though. Repeat customers are few and far between.