The Roar of the Greasepaint

Last Update: August 03, 2010

"What money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do"

                                                                             ~ Bob Dylan

My sentiments exactly.

Want to know what I like most about Internet Marketing? COMMUNICATING! OK, research too. Did you think I was going to say recess? That, and making money. The rest is "nitty gritty", or as people here say, "taking action".  Each little step is an "oeuvre" unto itself that needs to be mastered. I'm completely amazed at how many of you actually have mastered so much of the art of marketing. Not sure I'll ever be a master IM'er, but I know I have good instincts. I'm counting on them to reach my goals. So grateful for all I've learned from all of you. Thank you guys. You rock!

My first love is art and design. Just like our wonderful friend, Jamie Smith, I am incorporating what I am learning here to accomplish good things in the graphic arts. At the moment, I have been commissioned for work that will require my full attention. It will take me away from IM to a large degree. I'll be coming in to visit WA at night, to catch up with all of you and to learn something new. If you send me a message, I'll get back to you. So, don't think I fell into the black hole of cyberspace. Just occupied, but I'm still here. I'll still be writing articles, and maybe even a WA blog, if I have something worthwhile to say.

I'm also working on a project to be viewed over the Internet. Won't be showing any part of it until the first stage of it is completed. It's going to be done in stages, and will involve effort and time and some technical skills that I don't have yet, but will. I do have it conceptually planned already. Needless to say, I am excited about it.

Enjoy the summer. Keep your spirits high, and keep doing great work. I'll be around in the evenings.

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maureenhannan Premium
Good for you, Joan! Follow that passion, and nurture your gifts. You give so much encouragement to so many here. It's time for you to get immersed in your own full creative process. You're going to have FUN. Can't wait to see the results!
moonvine Premium
Will be waiting and watching -- I want to see this new project!
andys43us Premium
All The Best for your new project Joan. :)
reefswimmer Premium
Love your point that each little step is an oeuvre to be mastered. some of them I think, are beautiful little oeufs , priceless little eggs to be delicately handpainted.
Anyway, your many projects sound wonderfully creative in so many ways. Enjoy and keep us posted ! I meanwhile, am engaging in my real first campaign, Halloween. I have always enjoyed the holiday so IM is a whole new twist on the fun.
Be well !
Diane, reefswimmer
Jamie Smith Premium
aaawwwhhhh ... Joan Thanks again for all the love and good vibes as always sister, so much love & respect for you! Cheers for reppin' Bob Dylan and I in your great blog, I am truly honored. Bob Dylan is also from Minnesota, he got his start performing in Minneapolis literally right up the block from where I performed my 1st gig in Minneapolis, which is called "Dinkytown", a section of our great city near the University of Minnesota. Congrats on all your hard work and success. We both are on the same page, blending the Arts and marketing is a powerful combo. I wake up every day and do exactly what I want. Most of my time is spent busy inside studios and on laptops worldwide.